Baby Fais: stars who are confused with teenagers


Every fifty years of beauty reports are changing almost dramatically, but fashion for cute, almost children's faces are held for many decades. Top Hollywood actresses retain charm and young appearance, even by changing the fourth ten, and this is a certain plus of a similar face form. Today we decided to recall Ceboribritis, which can boast of facial features like a teenager.

Miranda Kerr

The models are almost 40, however, its pretty people can envy thousands of girls twice the younger. Kerr has a natural beauty: chubby, natural lips, round face, huge eyes and snaps on the cheeks. All this is not counting the stunning figure, which allows the model to conclude the most favorable contracts with the houses with a world name.

Reese Witherspoon

The painting, glorified Reese, "Blonde in Law" came out almost twenty years ago, and finding serious changes in the appearance of 44-year-old Witherspoon today is not so simple. Moreover, some fans confuse an actress with her daughter, which like two drops looks like a star mother. Large bright eyes and neat features visually "throw off" actresses at least 15 years.

Jennifer Lawrence

Many find out Gen precisely on apple cheeks. The actress does not boast sharp cheekbones, but it does not prevent her every year to receive a unlaxed title of "Sex Symbol of the Year" in Hollywood. Lawrence is almost thirty, and yet it does not prevent her from getting the role where the heroine can be almost twice as long as Jen herself in life.

Selena Gomez

Probably, first of all, when we think about people with Babi-Fais, the Selena emerges in memory. The singer seems to be "stuck" at the age, in which she became a star for more than ten years ago. And indeed, even though the singer is trying to change the image to a more sexy and aggressive, however, the soft features of the face and the pretty appearance as a whole give her such a chance.

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