Victor Gusev: "At Euro 2012 we have more expectations"


- But this is the sixth European Football Championship for you, right? Something waiting for this tournament is different from what was before?

- You know, now more expectations. There were no such four years ago. But there are more concerns than then. Surprised by a lawyer's statement that he would leave after the tournament. So not done! Especially in Russia ...

- And what matches will you comment personally?

- All information is not yet. But exactly the first match was Poland-Greece, and then I will go to Ukraine, comment on the game owners with Sweden. All the rest will be divided along the way with my colleagues Andrei Golovanov and Gennady Orlov. As for the Russian national team, the game with Czechs will be shown on "Russia-1", we comment on the Matches with the Poles and Greeks.

- Are there any anxiety about inexperience in conducting such mass sports activities of the host - Poland and Ukraine? Maybe there is no tax somewhere ...

- It seems to me that technical failures during the broadcast will not be, because this area is controlled by experienced people from UEFA. But in domestic things there may be problems - in organizing the work of the press center, the passage of the commentator for the stadium, the readiness of the cabin and so on. But let's see: maybe the organizers will jump above the head and fourth the nose to such experienced countries like Portugal, Holland or Switzerland.

Victor Gusev with his family.

Victor Gusev with his family.

- And you can reveal the secret that you are sick for the Moscow Dynamo?

- Previously I was sick, so rather. For Dynamo since 1945, Mikhail Viktorovich was experienced since 1945, who was the Dean of Biofak MSU for a long time, by the way. I was brought to the stadium for the first time in 1963 - then Dynamo became the champion. And it seemed that would be so often. And now - scary to imagine! - 2012, but there was no full-fledged gold medals. Well, except for the half of the 1976 tournament (then won in the spring). But I ceased to hurt, of course, not because of this. First, because he became a journalist. Well, then, with Pope then supported specific people, went to the double and as if these people were from a double in the main staff. Then because there were practically no transitions of people from the club to the club. And now the season begins - and the players are changing, some leave, others come. Fans are devoted to flowers, flag, emblem, title, but it has become impossible to root for people. But! Although he himself stopped being a zealous fan, I did everything so that my 8-year-old son Misha was sick for Dynamo.

- You are Viktor Mikhailovich, son - Mikhail Viktorovich ... For a long time in your family, a tradition to alternate through generation these names?

- She began with my great-grandfather Mikhail Prokofievich. He called my grandfather - famous in the future of the poet and playwright, who wrote the scenario to such films as "Row and the Shepherd", "at six o'clock in the evening after the war," Viktor, he called my father Mikhail, called me Viktor ...

- That is, the choice is what the name to give a son, you did not have?

- I will say more: Misha has no choice too.

- Do you already have two adults older daughters? Son waited a long time?

- And there was no desire to give birth to a son. Just when Julia and Nina grew up, we wanted another little man with his wife. And then I did not have anything against Chekhov three sisters.

- And who would you call Mikhail then?

- Here! This is, of course, a key question. Probably the girl would be Michelle.

- What do your adult daughters do?

- Senior Yulia has a major specialty - Japanese, but with English, too, everything is in order, she worked with rock stars for a long time, - with Elton John, sting ... And then she wanted to produce such trips herself and flew away for a year in England. And the second daughter Nina graduated from the MCAT Studio School and now in the MHTHT, in fact, and plays. She has major roles, for example, in the play "Do not part with your loved ones", will now play in "demons". I am extremely pleased that the theater line continued in our family, because, as I said, my grandfather was a playwright. And when I go to the performances of Nina, I am proud of the way, as I do not know what else you can be proud of in this life.

- Julia is brought up with Julia? After all, this is another your strong passion ...

"I don't know if Julia craving from me, although I would like to believe in it." And I really love classic rock and even dream of my program, in which one passion - football - would be presented through another - music.

You can read about the music and my near football activity in my blog "fly geese." He appeared thanks to warm friendship with the company "Ochakovo". It all started with the fact that I have been buying their products for a long time, I even live next to the plant in Vnukovo. By the way, about the products: I am generally a big fan of kvass and beer. I love English El, I love to try different exotic varieties. I will say honestly that drinks of the domestic producer are no worse. I was in their museum several times and I tried a lot of drinks. As in the spirit I can say what I like. And then we met the Ochakov employees last year - it was, I remember, on the "Teffi" award ... They offered me to open a blog and declare themselves on the Internet. Thanks to this, I'm more and more accustomed to the World Wide Web!

And as a patriot, I cannot but rejoice at the fact that Ochakovo is a fully Russian co-creator. She also creates plants and jobs.

I was at the company's factory and saw the whole process from and to. At first, I even decided that it was a sightseeing buttuff, it was clean, neatly and beautiful ...

Of course, our cooperation on the blog does not end. I was not left indifferent to their projects related to sports. The right of the word, friends, well, how not to support the company's initiative - do sport accessible? It was the chambers that organized a project for sending five buses to the European Championship, fans can be completely free to see one of the most spectacular and bright events of world football. Those who will go, have the opportunity to talk to the euro and with me immediately after the Russia-Czech Republic matches.

As for music, I still have something to boast! I recently made a poetic translation of songs by one of my favorite Jethro Tall groups, at the request of Her leader Jena Anderson.

- Your chip - "Take care of yourself"! At what point did you decide to finish it with each of your report and why did these words chose?

"When I, for a long time I worked as a writing journalist, came to television, I decided that the reporters also need a bright point, as in any journalistic text. And simply translated the English phrase "Take Care", which Americans often say goodbye. Moreover, in the dashing 90s, when I started a telemarier, this phrase was very relevant ...

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