Sex at work


Usually in such situations I once again please excuse me for excessive curiosity regarding conversations that have no relation to me. But here and apologize is not for that, because anything supernatural I did not break. Each of us who at least once participated in corporate parties, watched something similar, and someone even had to catch colleagues in the service of the occupation, completely unresponsible labor legislation. In general, intrigues in the workplace, despite the steady reputation as a future relationship, continue to remain a mandatory program for any office. Moreover, the lack of service novels, according to many, indicates the unhealthy team. So, one of my friend certainly dismissed, if I understood that there is not a single secluded corner to privacy with someone in the midst of a working day. In my opinion, he is now unemployed.

However, suitable office layout is not required for sex at work noon. In the end, now there are hotels with hourly pay, where you can with a twinkle to spend a lunch break. It is possible that such a production gymnastics perfectly helps from office hand, although this is exactly the case when the process is much more interesting than the result. This is me to the fact that the service novels may have a tonic effect, but only if they are right to relate to them.

Here you need to note an important detail. I remember a personal part in gender dances with colleagues with a kind irony, and all because my modest experiments on this part, first of all, happened before the start of my family life, and secondly, ended in a frivolous stage. That is, I did not have to get in the skin of the Stirlitz and go to work on the verge of failure, but at the same time it was possible to avoid conversations on the topic "And wouldn't we live together?". Among my acquaintances, by the way, there are real warriors who are not afraid of neither one or the other. And if a constant feeling of danger (as a satellite of married betrayal) can still be a source of adrenaline, then the settlement together with a colleague is an act of at least eccentric.

For me, so all the charm of the service novel is that its participants are in constant tone. Here, for example, office girls. Clothes - both in role-playing games, the hairstyle, which was given time, makeup, confident gestures and the desire to convince others that you are cheerful, in great shape, and therefore, you have a lot from you only at work, but also in bed ... not It is excluded that the girls, in turn, please the men who (at least they have in front of them) are not in front of a TV in family shorts and beer. But all this office suspension disappears as soon as you change costumes for bathrobes. Just that you were Bonnie and Clyde and suddenly turned into Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowl. If this is love, then you, of course, are lucky, but for someone's insurance for anyone, it is still better to quit, since you intend to test your relationship also at offside time.

However, these inevitable contradictions do not mean that the service novels need to be chosen in the bud. Please do not do this at least for us, that is, those who do not participate in them. You can't even imagine how much pleasure we get, watching you. As you avoid each other in the corridors, take a vacation with a difference in one day, and then lay out the types of the same resort in the FB (in general, trying to encrypt, although you yourself, probably, you understand that this kind of news is impossible to hide). And all this is a reason for optimism. Just if the dull office can be turned into Santa Barbara, then love is indeed no barriers. Even if sex is possible only for a lunch break.

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