Alexander Oleshko: "I dance as a child"


Alexander Oleshko - a man with a soul of a child, with shielded eyes and a sincere smile. It is not surprising that it was he who became the leading international children's dance competition "You're super! Dancing ", which starts on September 2 at 20.00 on the NTV television channel. asked the artist about his new role.

- Alexander, however, what did you dance in the ensemble as a child?

- Yes, truth. In the Soviet Union there were two of the dance groups glorified on the whole world: an ensemble under the leadership of Igor Moiseeva and the Moldavian ensemble "LOC". And in the house of the pioneers in my happy Soviet childhood there was a children's dance group "Sperans", which was considered the first step in order to get into the famous "LOC". I remember that we were talking before each occupation: Even if you do not see the artists, your body will remember this discipline forever, and you will become completely different people who will be organized, punctual; You can always find out in a straight back, beautiful posture, beautiful hands. I still remember that I did not have a very long element in my machine, which is called Ku de Pieri. I remember this Ku de Pieri for my life! And I remember that our teacher was very annoyed by my backlog, she went with a wand and during the week this wand gave me her leg. And I am now, at least at night I'll wake me, I know how to do Ku de Peri, in which direction should the finger should look like the heel should be pressed. In general, it is very cool when a child has a creative choice in childhood. My parents provided me with this choice. It seems to me that if there was some dance or television competition in my childhood, I would like to get there.

In the kindergarten in the kindergarten Sasha showed love for dancing

In the kindergarten in the kindergarten Sasha showed love for dancing

- Remember your first partner in dancing?

- Sure! Because it is also the first love - Lena Voronin. We danced folk dances, Mazurka, Polka. I remember that under the New Year I was Gusar, and she is my companion in dance. Lena is now raising two beautiful sons who loved the series "Daddy's daughters" from childhood, and my character really likes. They live in the city of Mine. We did not meet each other in a long time. I dream about this meeting!

- And now you love to dance? Let yourself break away to the full coil?

- I was at my disco once in my life. It was so ridiculous, so strange! I do not know how to dance on the disco. And by the way, I noticed that many professional world-famous dancers at the disco do not know how to dance. I have the same story. And somehow the disco ended for me, without even starting. Now I, of course, dance in the play "Mademoiselle Nitush" at the Vakhtangov Theater. And I am very glad that I have the opportunity to play in a musical performance, where there are songs and a huge living orchestra, and dancing. In general, gestures and plastic are often eloquent than the word. And you can express yourself very interestingly through the dance. If I dance, then often spontaneously, maybe even funny. Here is like children. They dance not some special choreography for them, when they include music. And they are always very interesting for them. Here I am dancing like a child.

Alexander Oleshko:

The participants of the project "You are super! Dancing"

- Do you have difficulty in working with children on the project "You're super! Dancing"?

- I have no difficulty in working with children, because I love them very much, I respect, I can hear them. A child is born with wide eyes, and he immediately loves everyone without conditions. The child is a ready-made planet with its own tastes, desires, looks for life. It needs to be supported, be attentive, respect. This is the secret of success of any project where children are filmed. Here I have some such whole organic human contact and mutual understanding. I have a notebook, where I write down the options for your last name that children offer. The most famous, who has already become a classic case, when a boy after the concert approached and said: "Oleska, what is your name in principle?"

- Do you have any tricks, how to get kids who will not go to the next stage of the competition?

- You do not need to sick with the child. It is advisable to be truthful, not embarking in front of him. In order for them to be easier to survive the tests, you need to give examples from our own life, from the life of the jury members, those people who passed through the test and became winners. And then the children understand that they are not cheating that they have a chance to become better, brighter, and everyone in their lives can work out as they don't even imagine themselves.

Alexander Oleshko:

"In working with children I do not have any difficulties. With the child you do not need to be sick. It is advisable to be truthful, not to crumble in front of him. "

- Do you remember your first baby disappointment?

- I would call it not disappointment, but surprise. I remember that I saw in kindergarten, like Jeans stick out from under the fur coat, and thought: "How is Santa Claus in jeans? This can not be! " And I realized that this is some uncle, who simply plays Santa Claus, and Santa Claus, I, apparently, I will not wait. But I still believe in Santa Claus. And during the preparation for the holidays mentally appealing to him and make a desire.

- You have been working with children for a long time. What is the feature of the new project?

- Here are real living emotions, manifestations of spirit and will, real joy, support for members of the jury. This desire, so that the world around us was warmer, softer. This project is about love, about helping each other. As a bell tape, who reminds everything, calls: "People will come to come ahead, stop in their aggression, in their disrespect for each other, in their fears, in their alarms. Read good books, fairy tales, say good words, keep up and love each other. " What was suggested to lead this project, for me not only responsibility and joy, but also a great honor. And if at least one child leaving the stage will ever say: "Sasha is my friend," I will be happy.

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