Charlize Theron: "My place - at the slab"


- Charlize, how can you characterize your heroine in the movie "Prometheus"?

"It is she who is responsible for the fact that the" Prometheus "ship goes into space. It is a functioner, a businessman, "wallet" of this mission. That is, someone from the crew goes into space from scientific considerations, someone - in search of answers to questions "How did we come from?" And "Who created us?". My heroine Meredith works at the company that all sponsors. She does not believe in anything, she is the quintessence of bureaucracy. General headache. It is located there from the very beginning only to be sure that the mission will take place and will not come out beyond the budget.

- The film partly is considered to be a prefix to the "Alien" Ridley Scott. How do you feel about this classic picture with Sigurney Weaver in the lead role - the role that made her first real Hollywood action-heroine?

- I love this film. For the first time I looked at the "someone else's" years at 17, and I immediately liked it. Any actress, seeing this film, thought: "Wow, great!". Sigurney was one of the first women who embodied a similar heroine on the screen. But in fact, this is all Ridley Scott. He very well understands the strength of women and loves to work with women. For that I love him. His "stranger", "Razor's Blade Running", "Telma and Louise" are simply beautiful. And even if you look at their twenty years later, they are still good, they do not become obsolete. It was the same feelings that I experienced when I read the "Prometheus" script.

- So you liked working with Ridley Scott?

- Of course, I dreamed of working with him for a long time. He is in love with what does. It brings him sincere joy. He behaves at the site as a 12-year-old boy who belongs to everything with delight and trepidation. For the actor, such a director is a dream. Basically, I worked with Michael Fassbender and Ridley. And we could sit the clock eight, completely forgetting about lunch, and to disassemble our scenes in grains, the world in which everything happens, people living there. We all three simply could not stop. And our assistants in the literal sense had to take us away from each other and lead at the table so that we would like.

- Michael Fassbender was the same enthusiastic?

- Yes. He is generally amazing. I remember I looked at His film "Hunger" and was stunned. And the picture "Shame" and did not come out at all from my head of the week three or four. At the same time, Michael is surprisingly passive in his talent, it seems that he should not play at all. And for it, damn it, I want to give him into the eyes. (Laughs.) Just joking, I just envy him.

- Did you make friends with him?

- Sure. He was my savior and psychotherapist in one person. During filming, quite often you just have to sit and wait. It is very tiring. And I am so annoying. But he entertained me and calmed me. Our dressings were near, so we chatted with him a lot, listened to music, laughed. So made friends. In general, I would like to work with him, Communication with Michael goes to me. (Laughs.)

To enter the image of Meredith Vickers, which is in conflict with the rest of the crew, director Ridley Scott advised Charlize Theron and out of filming to stay away from other actors. Frame from the film

To enter the image of Meredith Vickers, which is in conflict with the rest of the crew, director Ridley Scott advised Charlize Theron and out of filming to stay away from other actors. Frame from the movie "Prometheus".

- Have you participated in creating a suit of your heroine?

- There was no need for this. Janti Yets is a Oscar-free costume artist, which often works with Ridley, - Made a stunning job. For my heroine, at the beginning of the film, she created a very interesting suit: some kind of mixture of the Third Reich with a business, a military station with Wall Street. Every time I put it out, I even changed the posture. And only then she dressed me in a space suit.

- So how?

- Oh, it was funny. While the work went to the studio, these costumes we just tried. And for the first time they put on only when they started shooting in Iceland. And then it turned out that no one tried to run in them. Yes, also in the sand. It turned out, they weigh kilograms of 15, and every step literally presses to the ground. In general, it was like some hellish training camp for recruits. (Laughs.)

- Do you have an action scene?

- No, I have very little tricks. That's just in the end I had to run a little, but is it an action? (Laughs.)

- What do you think about aliens and life in the universe?

"It seems to me that very naive and vanity to believe that we are the only universe." So I believe in the fact that somewhere in addition to us there is life. And I believe in science: it seems to me that soon what we are not alone will be proven by scientists and will cease to be simply our fantasies. By the way, I, by the way, was very fascinated by science and in his free time it looks all sorts of scientific journals.

- What else do you prefer to spend your free time?

- I like to cook. Rather, I adore cook. But I do not like to do the same time at once. I like to experiment, to invent different tastes, try different products, use seasonal vegetables in their dishes. In general, my place is at the slab, I love to spend time from her. (Laughs.) And since childhood. When I was very small, always spinning near mom in the kitchen. She had a private garden, so we always have written vegetables on the table. Probably, that is why vegetables I love most, and it is they who are the main ingredients of my dishes.

- And why did you still have learned from your mother?

- everything! She always inspired me very much and was next to me all my life. She taught me to be independent, strong, curious. Podked to search for your own path and never tried to invest my vision of the world or his beliefs. She always told me: find your person and be yourself. And I am very grateful that I have such a person in my life, because it is perfectly aware that it is a big rarity. My mother and I are very closed, but when we together, enjoy each other's society. And we are honest with each other. Sometimes even too honest.

- You say mom taught you to be strong. And many of your heroines are just that. And how exactly do you understand the power?

- By virtue as a symbol of power, I honestly, I do not believe. And I do not understand what the benefits of it. I saw such "strong" people become selfish, selling. And I am sure that sooner or later the Universe will remind them that in fact they have no power. But the inner, mental power of a person is quite another.

- Internal force is including self-discipline, self-control. Do you, like a former ballerina, should be very disciplined? At a minimum in maintaining physical data.

- And where to go? (Laughs.) Of course, I have to be disciplined because it is part of my work. I am doing five days a week: I drive a bike, I shake the press, doing yoga. More precisely, power yoga. She is pretty heavy, exhausting, but I like it. In general, I try to keep yourself in shape.

- What do you think the ballet you did in youth help you in the acting profession?

- I think yes. It seems to me that the ballet is one of the best acting schools that you can imagine. Dance is a much more expressive way of stories than words. I was dangling about 12-13 years old, so I had time to really understand this method of self-expression.

- You always seem such a positive, enthusiastic and complete enthusiasm. Share, what is your vital philosophy?

Life is a miracle, that's why she needs to enjoy. That is why it is necessary to live in full, and not sit and wait for the weather by the sea.

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