Principles of thinking of a rich man


American researchers came to an interesting conclusion: rich people almost never rely on good luck, their success is entirely and fully consisted of lifestyle and habits. After examining about a thousand people from different layers of society, scientists allocated the "habit of wealth", and the thinking of a successful person is also worthy of attention.

For the most part, the rich people look at life optimistic, they have no habit of complaining and whining for any occasion. Researchers took for the experiment of people with an income of at least $ 150 thousand per year or more. The poor was considered citizens with an annual income of $ 35,000.

We got acquainted with the results of the study and prepared for you a list of 6 principles of thinking of successful and rich people.

Think positivno

Think positivno


Proper habits - the key to success

More than 50% of successful people agree that the habits determine the state. What is interesting, people living more modestly agree with them. However, we will still agree with the first group: useful habits provide excellent health and positive thinking, without which it is impossible to start decently earned. In addition, the correct attitude helps to attract good luck, let the rich in it do not believe.

American dream exists

If you are not yet informed, the essence of the American dream is that everyone is able to achieve its goal regardless of the situation in society, everything he needs is to use his potential. Many successful people agree that labor and perseverance will help to drink even from the deepest bottom.

A successful person always supports relationships with a large number of people.

More than half of the success in the profession depends on the ability to maintain and find new useful contacts. With this statement according to 90% of the rich. Moreover, the search for new contacts is not such a simple job. It is necessary to constantly be in touch with the right person, congratulate on the holidays and do it not from mercenary motives, but sincerely interested in man.

American dream is quite real

American dream is quite real


New dating is just necessary

Get acquainted with people - a very useful habit: you are not only expanding the database of contacts, but also learn something new, perhaps there are such things that you and in the head have not about your profession, and a new person may be an expert in this matter.

Be open to new acquaintances

Be open to new acquaintances


Accumulations are extremely important

The essence is not only to earn a lot of money, but also how to dispose of them. The researchers made an interesting conclusion that people who correctly distributed finances were richer and more successful than those who spent the first millions without looking.

There is a rule, following which it is possible to succeed well: 80% of the income are damaged to life, and the remaining 20% ​​or postpone, or insert correctly.

Be creative

According to a successful person, creativity plays a much greater role than high intelligence. After all, it is a creative approach that provides a non-standard approach to a situation that often helps to achieve heights. This explains why not all the excellent students become magnami and oligarchs: during their studies they did the focus solely to memorize the material, not trying to go to another way. So the intellect is not always a decisive factor when it comes to big capital.

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