Compote: the history of appearance and unexpected recipes


Nowadays, compote is called a separate dessert rather than a drink to dinner. And many generally question the feasibility of this product. Nevertheless, most people do not represent their lives without a berry berry. He found out the story of the origin of the compote and found some interesting recipes.

Compote, as we present it today, prepare about 200 years. But in our country until the XVIII century, similar drinks called the Uzvar or Wigs. "Welders" comes from the word "brew". Our ancestors were cooked, more precisely, they brought decoction to boil with herbs, berries and fruits. Most often, the Uzvar was served in the Christmas Christmas Eve as a special treat. Sometimes a breakthrough was added to it so that the drink was more juicy. In the XVIII century, the word "compote" appeared in our city, taken from French. To date, this drink is considered one of the most common in Eastern Europe.

Compote from gooseberry

Ingredients: 1 kg of gooseberry, several twigs of mint, 300 g of sugar, water.

Cooking method: Gooseberry to go through and remove tail in berries. To wash Berries equally distribute on sterilized banks, to each mint on each sprig. Water boost. Pour each jar with boiling water. Cover with a lid and breeding for 15-20 minutes. Water from cans to merge into a common pan, add sugar (100-150 g for 3 liters), bring to a boil. Pour boiling berry syrup. Banks roll.

Compote from sea buckthorn

Ingredients : 2 kg of berries, 1 l of water, 400 g of sugar.

Cooking method: Make sugar syrup. Berries go through, clean well and add. Then pour them into clean floor-liter banks, pour syrup. Sterilize banks 10-12 minutes.

Compote can be welded from pumpkins and even zucchini

Compote can be welded from pumpkins and even zucchini


Unusual plum compote

Ingredients: 300 g of drain, 300 g of zucchini, 500 g of sugar, water.

Method of preparation: Plums wash and remove bones. Wash the zucchini, clean, remove seeds from them and cut into cubes. Sterilized banks equally decompose plums and zucchini. Pour boiling water. Written 10-15 minutes. Water merge into a common pan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Boiling syrup pour banks and roll.

Pumpkin compote

Ingredients: 1 kg of pumpkin flesh, 1200 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. Apple vinegar, 2 l of water, ѕ lemon, carnation, cinnamon.

Method of preparation: Pumpkin pulp cut into cubes and pour apple vinegar. Pumpkin to pickle for 2 hours. Then the acetic liquid is to merge, and pumpkin pour sugar syrup. To do this, add 400 g of sugar in a liter of water, pecking until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pumpkin Cook in syrup for about 15 minutes. Cool Pieces are tightly put in half-liter banks and pour with syrup prepared from 800 g of sugar and 1 liter of water. Add lemon juice to banks, mix. To taste add cinnamon and carnation. Sterilize banks for 20-25 minutes.

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