Large family - pros and cons


According to the census, for 2017, more than 1.5 million large families are registered in Russia - those where three children and more. Each year the indicators increase - more and more parents are solved on this serious step. Tell what benefits and disadvantages have large families.

Relationship between children

Dreaming about a big family, parents usually represent how children will play with each other and share everyone that they have. It is believed that in families where more than one child, children grow generous, kind and responsible. However, the fairy tale of an ideal picture is divided into life: small children are constantly fighting, quarrels and never inferior to each other. Yes, and all children are different - some behave quietly and in all the elders are listening, other quiet and freedom-loving. You will not know the character of the child in advance, so you should hope only for good upbringing.

All children are different

All children are different


Social benefits

One of the "bonuses" of children is becoming social benefits - in the capital they are paid monthly to the maintenance of children, compensation for LCQ, food and clothing. In other cities, there are amendments to the law. Perhaps the most advantageous offer is the opportunity to go to the University of Benefit - not on the competition not on the general basis, but among the places allocated beneficiaries. What is already talking about free travel, parking and other compensation, which receive large families.

Great responsibility

If you think that older children will follow the youngest, and you will rest at this time, then you will not fight: it will not work. You and your husband will have to independently take care of the child, only sometimes by charging the oldest unearned tasks. Three and more children are additional troubles if one of them will get sick and transmit infection to others, they will close a kindergarten and school for repair, and you will not leave them. Always expect your strength and try to help each other as often as possible, leaving every personal time.

Improving skills

Many mothers note that with the birth of a third child, it was much easier to treat motherhood. On the Internet even there is a joke: with the first child you boil the nipples, smoothing the dispensers, and the third one for 5 minutes licks the tail of the dog - it's good that nothing terrible happened. By the time of the birth of the third baby, you will have a big luggage of knowledge and practices that will simplify care for it. Yes, and you will worry less and worry about the health of the child than young moms.

the more children, the easier the motherhood

the more children, the easier the motherhood


Noise and gam.

Hoping that everyone will behave quietly while you are sleeping at Saturday morning, "utopia, not otherwise. Get ready that there will be permanent shouts in the house with a laugh that calm down only for walking and studying. But how fun will be fun with children! In the Great Team there are always something to do. Neither the youngest nor the older will not be bored.

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