High degree: which organs suffer from alcohol


Any dosage of alcohol affects vital organs. A person can behave inadequately, performance decreases, and the psyche suffers almost most of all. We decided to consider how the alcohol affects our body, which general authorities suffer, and how high degrees can turn around for you.

Any amount of alcohol is extremely negatively affected by vital organs.

Any amount of alcohol is extremely negatively affected by vital organs.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Digestive system

Even one glass of vodka can seriously harm. A minute after the adoption, alcohol begins his destructive action. First of all, the stomach and pancreas suffer. To be more accurate, the organs are affected in such a sequence:

- Stomach.

- esophagus.

- Digestive system.

By destroying the mucous surface of the organ, alcohol leaves the burn, which is quite difficult to cure, as the tissues are destroyed very quickly.

The influence occurs not only for the integrity of the body, but also on its functioning, since the production of gastric juice can be seriously broken, cell death begins from here. Due to these manifestations, food ceases to be absorbed, stomping in the stomach, and this can lead to serious consequences: ranging from harsh pains and ending with oncology.

Alcohol passion can end very much

Alcohol passion can end very much

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Our natural "filter" is very sensitive to any negative impact. If the liver work is violated, hazardous toxins begin to enter our body, which as they accumulate lead to serious diseases. The most frequent cirrhosis. In this case, the lesion of the organ vessels is siled, the liver itself decreases and wrinkles.

If you do not control the pressure in the vessels, the strongest bleeding can begin.

Let alcohol do not become an element of a romantic evening for you

Let alcohol do not become an element of a romantic evening for you

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Nervous system and brain

You probably know that the work of the brain with the use of a large amount of alcohol, to put it mildly, is disturbed. People become aggressive and lose control of themselves, which leads to crying consequences both for him and for others.

How does ethanol affect the nervous system:

- Memory begins to bring together, the information is worse away.

- It becomes difficult to consider and perceive said by others.

- Chronic alcoholism completely destroys brain cells.

- Hearing and vision is lost.

- Manifestations of white hotness, hallucinations.

Scientists calculated that with constant use of alcohol for 5 years, the brain decreases by 90%.

The cardiovascular system

Blood cells also fall under the negative effect of ethanol: the blood body loses the shape and cannot move throughout the blood system, and therefore the supply of oxygen in the body is disturbed, and this causes:

- arrhythmia.

- Diabetes.

- blood pressure jumps.

- Atherosclerosis.

In contrast to the brain, with the use of alcohol, the heart, on the contrary, increases, and the frequency of its abbreviations increases. After some time, the probability of a heart attack becomes almost one hundred percent.

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