Sex, do not leave: why spouses lose interest in bed


Generally speaking, sex is needed to continue the kind, in order for children to appear, and more for anything. Therefore, without sex you can live. But if you do not talk about sex, but about bodily love, the situation is radically changing.

If spouses have no bodily interaction, bodily love, if they do not communicate intimate, sexually, then in their relationship something very important disappears, and their development in this relationship becomes a big question. This pair is in the risk area. In any case, they will not reach those heights that could be achieved if bodily love was present in their lives.

During bodily love, resentment disappear, negative experiences dissolve, which can be removed in a different way through the work of psychologists, severe, long and expensive. Here this happens by itself, naturally. This improves health, creates proximity, unity, allows a man to move, achieve more, because the woman gives it energy ... the list, why it is necessary and why it is important, you can continue to infinity. In essence, a couple living without sexual interaction turns into companions, neighbors. It is also good, but neighbors are not a couple.

There are a number of reasons why, over time, bodily love disappears from the spouses. First of all, the attitude towards this process, as if sex, is the first step to make this side of life impoverished. When there is no understanding of importance, there is no understanding of what is actually happening between a man and a woman, then it comes down to bare physiology and in the end becomes boring, monotonous, routine and meaningless, which kills any desire to do this.

In addition, the nature is arranged in such a way that there is a passion between a man and a woman, they throw them to each other for conception. From the point of view of Mother Nature, we need to produce offspring. Passion has its own time, and over time she subsides - it is assumed that by this time the conception has already happened. Then the passion and attraction are turned off, because partners need to be cultivated by the offspring, and not sexual joy. When the passion turns off, the partners are either running out to other partners, because they turned out to be childless, or they grow off. In both cases, passion is not needed. One of the tools with which it is done - Pheromones. Each of us highlights odorous substances that are not realized as smells, but they are tracked and subconsciously perceived. When we are a long "sniff" of the same partner, then addictive to these smells comes, and we stop responding to them. It is simple to get around this: you need to "sniff" another partner. This does not mean that it is necessary to join him in sexual relationship, it is enough to dance, to be in the arms, somehow will be lost - and run to your partner. Pheromones of their partner will seem new.

There are also social and psychological reasons. The psychological one can be attributed to the fact that a couple who lived together for a long time together, the insults, disappointment, and all this layer behind the layer arises with an obstacle between them. They are increasingly harder to open, be sincere, to nose in front of each other not so much bodily as well, and ultimately it makes it difficult for sex, because bodily love involves maximum exposure, maximum honesty, maximum openness. In addition, sex does not exist separately from life, and it means that it is not that sex left somewhere, but about the fact that people did not learn to forgive, accumulated too big charge negative, complaints, offended, closed their hearts and, As a result, bodily love from them left. This concerns the overwhelming majority of the pairs, and here it is necessary to disassemble with those cockroaches that are sitting in the head. This is a task for a psychologist, as a rule, it is difficult to cope with it. Sex in this case is a consequence, not the reason and performs a lactium paper for a relationship.

Social reasons include what people, by marking, although it is not written anywhere, agree that I have one - you have one, and very much limit each other's freedom. At first they attracted each other, but they were attracted while they were free. Now, it seems to be all good, but because of the state "I must do nothing more. "I have to love her, because she is my wife," "I have to have sex with him, because he my husband sounds rather sad. This problem can also be solved, different pairs solve it in different ways. For example, one of the ways that some couples enjoy is to agree that marriage is not forever, but for one year, for example, and agree on the year not because someone did something, but simply because the contract has expired. Default, without reason and explanation of the reasons. But this is not necessary, and if both spouses want, they will extend the contract for another year. In this case, the condition "forever" disappears and the awareness appears that that the partner chose me, then I need to "twist the pedals", something to do to stay with her, because it may not choose. Now the marriage continues by default, and to dissolve it, you need to do something. I suggest the situation to flip: the marriage is terminated by default, but so that it continues to do something: you need to seek to conquer attention, strive to remain attractive, and then it is very refreshing the relationship. On the one hand, the prefabs of the initial relationship period are preserved, but the depth, openness, understanding of each other, in other words, is not lost, the quality of long-term relationships is not lost. Of course, it is impossible to implement this legally in our legislative field, but the contract is more expensive than money, and if you agree that, especially in public, with friends, it may well work.

The universal means of insurance against the loss of desire is the development. If the spouses are developing, including in the sexual sphere, if for ten years, the spouses were improved for ten years, became first-class lovers, can work wonders, then, most likely, they will be interested, because they went through this path together, they Together it will continue. If the time passed, and the partners did not have development, but, which happens more often, there was a degradation, then the onset of the moment when sex with each other becomes boring them and uninteresting is completely natural.

The most radical way to return sex in the family (or to prevent its care) - consciously direct all the efforts to make a woman to love a man, despite the big experience of relationship. The man generates the appropriate impulses so that the woman is easy to love him, and the woman is developing, improving in love for his man not only and not so much in the corporal plan. And if the pair is moving in this, then they will be in one step from sex all the time and periodically get into it. And it will no longer be sex, but the bodily love of very high quality.

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