Bon Voyage: We collect cosmetic bag on vacation


Do not think that the collection of cosmetics, which goes on vacation, is a simple lesson that will take a couple of minutes. After all, it is necessary to provide all possible needs: to remain in shape and in the ranks and on the seas, and in the tropics, and walking through the narrow European streets. We collect a strategic reserve along with.

The main question of the ladies departing on the journey: how to get everything, but do not drag a mobile bathroom behind you? Favorite shampoo capable of putting into account your hair, a huge bank of thick oil for the body, a glass bottle of fragrant essence for the face - and this is not all! And what about endless fluids, BB-creams, several types of Rumyan, mascara, a set of brushes ... In a word, at the right moment you just need to stop and decide what you really need to be left away from your home.

Revenge under the sun

Going on vacation, the most desperate of us hope for local shops, pharmacies and beauty salons. Well, brave behavior, but really risky. If you started the European journey, there is a good chance that you still find familiar brands and brands on the shelves. But it is necessary to take into account that even the same jar in a familiar packaging in Russia and conditional France can have a different consistency, smell and, alas, even properties. And in the case of Asian shops and supermarkets, it is not worth counting on a meeting of old friends at all: it will be really not easy to get the desired cream, air conditioning or spray. About decorative cosmetics and not to speak. If we spend a certain time and strength in your hometown to choose a suitable shade of a tone (which, besides, it should not clog pores, not be too heavy, dense, etc.), then in foreign edges it will be still Murinely and long.

Sun protection is superfluous

Sun protection is superfluous


In a word, leave the purchase of a vacation cosmetic kit on the places bold and start cooking. First of all, I want to note all the benefits of the lists - we advise you to compile them to everyone. The scattered young ladies, which can not collect thoughts (and suitcase), they help not forget anything, but organized by those who are accustomed to everyone to keep under control, they provide a pleasant feeling that everything goes according to plan. The latter, by the way, make up lists for any occasion. Take this approach to weapons. Your beauty sheet should be conditionally broken into three groups: all sorts of sunscreen factor, leaving products and decorative cosmetics, which will go with you on vacation. Be ruthless and strict: unnecessary bubbles and jars will make your luggage in addition, and the vacation will turn into an endless struggle for beauty.

First of all, collect "solar" means. This should get the barrier protective products for the body and face. Do not forget about the hair. The miniatures of full-size sprays with UVA and UVB factor are perfectly suitable. Be sure to use them before entering the street. Good products do not lose curls, do not spoil the stacking, but reliably sealed the cuticle of the hair, its pigment and prevent active burnout and bundle. Pay attention and lips, ears, footsteps (!). Take the products in the poke format. The miniature tube climbs into any handbag.

Do not neglect the protection even if you are planning not to hide from the sun, but sunbathing. Be sure to capture a universal product that will moisturize the skin after sunny baths, eliminate peeling, redness, remove swelling, conditioning and soften. Yes, yes, there is a means with all these functional qualities. The traditional gel of Aloe Vera, published by various brands in different formats, can cope with any problems of the epidermis. Especially I would like to note the liquid fluid aloe, which can be sprayed as a Mist when and anywhere. By the way, any bottle with aloe vera (or mucin snail, guaranteeing the same effect) can replace the moisturizing cream. So you will sleep well in the suitcase.

If you are planning a vacation on the seas, give preference to shampoo and air conditioning with special properties that guarantee the protection of the chapels from the scoring rays. Full-size versions can be replaced by alarm formats, but if your favorite funds are not produced in miniatures, take a set of jackets for travelers.

Do not forget about the lotions for removing waterproof makeup: usually the "summer" cosmetics is full with a resistant "decorative". The usual foams and gels for washing are better not to take - replace them on softer and delicate means that will additionally moisturize and feed the skin of the face. Additionally, take several tissue masks. They will take a minimum place, but can save the epidermis. And in order to keep the face throughout the day, use veils and sprays with thermal water. Important moment: After instant moistening, immediately get into the face to not burn. Microscopic water drops on the surface of the skin act as small but powerful lenses. Take care of the skin of the hands and legs, taking with you the universal nutrient cream. It will not be superfluous to put a special stick from the housing and corns in the cosmetic.

Vacation - Experimental Time

Vacation - Experimental Time

Paints of summer

The list of decorative cosmetics depends on your vacation plans and goals. So, if you dream about quiet days on the beach, it makes no sense to take with you a passionate palette of eyeshadow from twenty-four colors. If regular secular outputs are in your plans, it makes sense to expand the list. In any case, the cosmetic bag should get a certain beauty minimum, without which it is not necessary.

Experienced travelers advise to take two carcasses with them, if there is an opportunity, in miniatures. One is classic, the one you use daily, the second is waterproof, perhaps, color. In the end, when, as not on vacation, experiment with the palette?

It has been properly established by all sorts of cream textures of the shadows. The fact is that under the influence of sunlight and heat almost all compressed powdered products have the property rolling, clogged into the folds of the century. Silky, glossy or matte creams of them are much more decently behaved, but, alas, they do not differ in resistance. To extend the life of makeup, you can capture with you a special refreshing water-retainer for maker.

An eyebrow pencil is another participant of our vacation sheet, which almost no one forgets. But to capture it in a couple of sharpener, many people do not guess. No matter how carefully and diligently you enjoyed our pencil, for the week it certainly does it.

Instead of lipstick, it is possible to use liquid tints, which are held on the lips of record long, are not clogged into the folds, do not eat, and if it happens, it happens gradually, aesthetically, without having to correct makeup. Well, if the tint will be equipped with a sunscreen factor (there are such!).

Perhaps the main form-grew concerning the selling cosmetics affects the selection of the summer tone. Happy, with perfect skin, can do the protective fluid and compact powder, but what about those who want to hide the shortcomings everywhere, including on the beach? Examine a huge range of BB- and CC funds, which for the most part work and as barrier products neutralizing the negative effect of ultraviolet. Light, but able to adjust the skin tone, disguise the redness and erase with the face of the pores or the consequences of a turbulent night, they are produced in comfortable travel formats.

Children's cosmetics must be primarily equipped with powerful and variety of products with SPF factors.

Children's cosmetics must be primarily equipped with powerful and variety of products with SPF factors.


Children's question

On the shoulders of the holidays, there are care for collecting not only your own beauty baggage - it is important to competently collect cosmetic bags to your companion (as practice shows, men forget or deliberately do not take with them the most necessary things) and children.

Naturally, the beauty baggage of representatives of the strong half of humanity is much more modest than our, and still without some things it is definitely not to do. Be sure to take the replacement blades for a razor machine. The skin exposed to the constant influence of rays, sea water and coastal wind quickly becomes reactive, and in such a situation your man will need fresh cassettes that need to be changed almost every shave. Grab a soft lotion to deal with irritation. Please note: even in urban conditions, many gentlemen refuse aggressive alcohol tonic, and in merciless faces of the face of spa areas simply need to make a choice in favor of a delicate tool based on herbs and thermal water. By the way, if you do not want to share with the chosen one with your refreshing spray, acquire him your own bottle - they are produced in miniatures and do not occupy a lot of space.

Most often, men do not come racing to the shower gel, shampoos and air conditioners that the hotel provides. Well, it will make it easier for a suitcase. But note: if your satellite is allergic or simply capricious leather, requiring permanent care, it is better not necessary to count on small bubbles in the hotel in the bathroom.

Children's cosmetics must be primarily equipped with powerful and different-shaped products with SPF factors, better waterproof. It is desirable to try it before departing on vacation: the child's skin can react but a new product, cream or spray - do not approach your baby, smell and consistency - do not like it. However, this Council concerns any means going to your luggage: a preliminary test drive will definitely not hurt! Do not forget about special products neutralizing the consequences of a long stay in the sun. Does children's shampoos, shower gels, other products marked for kids? We definitely recommend to allocate them in your suitcase because of the above. Kids are difficult to get used to new odors and consistencies.

Not all the clothes walk on the embankments and sees the light in the resort cafe, but each "participant" competently composed cosmetics goes into the course, helping to make a rest unforgettable. Pleasant fees. Bon Voyage!

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