Yana Poplavskaya about his first grandson: "He has a chin with a signature pamph"


By the past weekend mom's two adult sons, the actress Yana Poplavskaya pleased with numerous subscribers, saying in his "instagram", which became a grandmother!. "And we have a boy! My eldest son Klim today became dad, and I am a butterfly! In our family of floast add happiness, joy and hopes for the best for the kid! URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!! » - wrote a star. Of course, he could not pass by such an event and found out the artist, what is it - to become a young grandmother.

Yana, you can congratulate you: you are now a grandmother. What emotions are you overwhelmed now?

"I think that emotions will be tomorrow, because we take the baby tomorrow. The whole family will gather, and we will go to the hospital. I saw him only by photographs, but it seems to me that he is absolutely our: he has a chin with a smell, branded. I think when you take on my hands, you hear the smell - then everyone will understand ... Yes, I myself still did not understand anything! (Smiles.) Here when you give birth to a child - do not understand that you are a mother. Watching a child: what a miracle! We left with my husband to the country, I say to the daughterper: "Want, I will stay? Because you either give birth at night, or tomorrow. " She did not believe, but it turned out.

The eldest son Yana Poplavskaya Klima first became a father

The eldest son Yana Poplavskaya Klima first became a father


How did you guess?

- It's just visible on how a woman moves. When you have two children, you understand everything. So everyone is happy, everyone is happy, there is an active preparation for the meeting: balls, then, Syu ... Well, it's so great! True, I hoped for a girl. (Smiles.) Thought: Well, suddenly the girl? No, still a boy ...

Honestly, looking at you, it is difficult to believe that Yana Poplavskaya is already a grandmother ...

"You know, my mother has become a grandmother when I was still younger than me." I gave birth to a climate of seventeen and a half, and my mother gave birth to me at 21. That is, she was 38 years old when she became a grandmother. And now she is a young great-grandmother. Imagine! We all have all the young in our family. So it's great! Why I wrote in "Instagram" that I am not a grandmother, I am a butterfly, because my grandmothers in our time are all very young, and they flush, fly over grandchildren, fly away, get the nectar, bring it and fly away again. (Laughs.)

What did the baby called?

- The grandson called the Ilaria. Because the climate with his wife - the familiar family, called the saints. Beautiful old-circuit name. Saints to help. And his name will be July 25th. We will call it Lari, Ilya, Il. So he will be Elary Poplavsky.

It sounds like a ready-made name of the future star ...

- Yes. Do you know that Hillary Clinton is the name of Ilaria? It turns out that the names of Elary and Ilaria are like the names of Eugene and Eugene, Valentin and Valentina, etc.

Yana Poplavskaya dreamed of his granddaughter, but the first in the family appeared grandson of Ilaria

Yana Poplavskaya dreamed of his granddaughter, but the first in the family appeared grandson of Ilaria


Yana, and you believe in accepting that you can't buy clothes for a newborn in advance?

- And we did not buy anything before birth, I believe in this admission. To Nikita (the youngest son Poplavskaya, - approx. Red .) I lost my child. And I believe that it is not necessary to buy anything in advance, especially from what is worn on the body: diapers, dispensers, etc. Listen, well, why? As long as a woman in the hospital, now everything can be purchased in one day. Well, maximum - in two days. Here I have a charity foundation, and how much I saw people who give absolutely new kits, sobbing and sprinkling the head ashes, when something happens to the baby ... But now we have already managed to buy everything, everything you need have now. Now go to any store - in a second you can find what you need. Well, friends prepare gifts, and my mother already, in my opinion, gathered a bag of dowry. Already and luxury cradle is, and clothes. We do not demolish so much - quickly grow!

And where will you live a big and friendly family? I know that you have a beautiful house ...

- already built. For the time of quarantine, we finished another bath and a guest house. We also have a large four-bedroom apartment. Son with his wife, with my grandson, with Varysti (the daughter of the spouse of the climate from the previous marriage, - approx. ed. ) While in my Moscow apartment will live. But naturally, we will move between the house and the apartment. Although predominantly we are now in the house - he is near Moscow, in Sofrino. It is very convenient for us, it's very nearby, we have been built on this purpose. Drive about 45 minutes or an hour. According to Moscow standards, when only around the city can go for two hours, it is very fast. I, for example, I donated to Ostankino for an hour.

During the self-insulation, Yana and her husband completed the construction of a new country house

During the self-insulation, Yana and her husband completed the construction of a new country house


Well, the duties of grandmother are ready to take on?

"I often hear the conversations of young people who tell parents:" We gave birth to the grandson. " I always say: you do not give birth to parents, but a child. And my deep conviction, since I myself raised my children: in order to never make any complaints with anyone, not to find out the relationship with grandmothers, nanny, you need to raise yourself. If the child grows only with a nanny and grandmother, this is a child of a nanny or grandmother. And I believe that the question here is that the grandmother should be joy. Grandma must be happiness, gift option, fairy. I am absolutely seriously talking. While the grandmothers are different. There are grandmothers who are sitting on pensions, and they have one dream, the meaning of their life is to raise a child. Or in large mothers who give birth every year, the work that, in general, they themselves chose themselves. They have such a task in life - to be a large mother. I am a lot of conditionally stranger children who become mine. I have an acting course 30 people, I am a master of course at the Kobson Theater Institute. And my foundation cooperates with the Khabensky Foundation, we are engaged in educational programs for children who are seriously ill. And it seems to me that using such a woman as I, as only my hands, is funny. I believe that parental labor, affection, love and understanding that such a difficult parent share appear only when you grow your piece of man who becomes big. And then all your mistakes or parent victories you will be attributed to yourself, and not find out the relationship with your grandmothers. Therefore, I will be a gift option.

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