About the benefits of honey and cinnamon: facts and fiction


It is often the opinion that the combination of honey and cinnamon can cure many ailments. And although there are really information confirming the medicinal use of each of these natural ingredients, some of the alleged effects seem too incredible. Let's try to separate the truth from Fakes when considering the medical advantages of honey and cinnamon.

Hedge use

Sweet liquid produced by bees, centuries used as ready delicacy and medicine. Today honey is actively used in cooking, baking and as a sweetener in drinks. Most of the benefits are associated with the active substances that are most concentrated in unfiltered honey. A healthier alternative to the added sugar is an effective means of cough and irritation in the throat. Honey rich in antioxidants acts no worse dextromethorophane - the active ingredient contained in many cough syrups. Pronounced antibacterial and antifungal properties are scientifically proven and confirmed by Rospotrebnadzor.

Cinnamon is one of the most useful spices.

Cinnamon is one of the most useful spices.

Cornica benefit

Cinnamon is a popular appearance of spices, which can also be used as a food additive. Spicy taste and specific aroma of this plant gives cinnamon aldehyde as part. Useful properties are associated with active substances in its essential oil. It is proved that cinnamon helps to eliminate inflammation, reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Also, the dried bark of this tree makes the cells of the body more sensitive to the hormone insulin, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. It is recommended to choose Ceylon cinnamon for regular use.

Common useful properties

And honey, and cinnamon helps with a high and reduced level of cholesterol in the blood and high blood pressure. This means that the connection of two natural ingredients can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, both products are sources of antioxidants that protect against free radicals, harmful cell cells. In particular, polyphenolic antioxidants in honey and cinnamon help prevent the formation of blood clots and improve blood inflow to heart.

Honey and cinnamon - not a panacea from excess weight

Honey and cinnamon - not a panacea from excess weight

Unreasonable assumptions

Many of the prescribed combinations of honey and cinnamon of therapeutic properties are not supported by science. Here are the main of them:

1. Blood with allergy symptoms. Some studies were conducted in order to test this theory, but the evidence was weak.

2. Will the cold. Honey and cinnamon have an antibacterial effect, but most people are caused by viruses.

3. Above the loss of excess weight. Honey is really useful than sugar, but this does not mean that he contributes to weight loss.

4.Ell acne. Despite pronounced antibacterial properties, studies have not confirmed the ability of this mixture to fight acne.

5. Distribute problems with digestion. It is believed that honey and cinnamon help with bacterial intestinal infections, but these statements are not confirmed by scientific research.

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