Golden rules for face care in the heat


When the long-awaited summer comes in our harsh northern country, we rejoice. However, it is necessary to remember several important rules for the care of the face in the heat so that your skin looks fresh and attractive at that perfect time. For example, an excellent skin against skin dryness is thermal water. You can always wear it in a handbag and, in case of an unpleasant feeling of skin struts, apply to face. Remain the remaining advice in our material.

Three Skin Care Rules

1. In the summer, it is especially important to pay attention to cleansing the skin. Add masks, scrubs, patches to basic cleansing.

2. The Council may seem banal, but it is really important. Try once again not touch your face with your hands so as not to pollute the skin.

3. Do not abuse decorative cosmetics. It clogs the pores and does not give the skin to breathe in the heat. Remember that the best make of the summer time is a beautiful tan and a happy smile.

Control the amount of fluid consumed

Control the amount of fluid consumed


Pour clean water and use SPF

"Since we lose a lot of moisture in the heat, the main recommendation is a drink of clean water. It is not necessary to drink a lot, as some women are poorly moving away from the body and they swell, but the liter of water is desirable to drink all, "- advises the beautician Lily Rabinovich. "If you are under the right rays of the Sun, use sunscreen, and try to indulge yourself with various moisturizing masks - a very good effect and moisturizing give vegetable masks, in particular, cucumber. If the pigmentation intensified, try fruit-berry masks - this is a wonderful whitening effect, you can add lemon juice. "

Choose a cream with moisture-holder components

"The creams must be moisturizing. If you apply a cream in the heat, when you go out into the street, the active sweating will begin and the cream will safely come out. In this case, it is very good to use or creams, or moisturizing serums for the night. They are desirable to apply for an hour and a half before sleep so that the skin gets moisture, care. In the afternoon, you can use mineral water for washing, to apply infusions, champs, pink water through the pulverizer. They are very well tone, moisturized, give care. Do not forget that the skin in the heat should be slightly moistened, "the doctor recommends.

In the sun, use sunscreen to warn early aging

In the sun, use sunscreen to warn early aging


Do not overdo it

Cosmetologist advises to know the measure in everything. So you need to drink enough water, but no more than the rate calculated by weight and level of activity, otherwise you will find swelling. We must not forget about the masks, but not all of them are suitable for use in the heat. For example, clay and deeply cleansing masks can enhance moisture loss - it is better to replace them with alginate and tissue, which hold water.

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