All in gardens and parks


In Izmailovsky Park, there will be free-free skating classes for children and adults. If your heir is already greater than five, take the videos, a complete set of protection (prerequisite condition) and go to workshops. Collection of students - on the Northern Square near the new stage (entrance to the park from the Parisanskaya metro station).

We know the ancient teachings

Qigong and yoga are waiting for everyone in the garden named after Bauman

Qigong and yoga are waiting for everyone in the garden named after Bauman

In the Bauman garden, on Sunday, April 7, it will be possible to join yoga, as well as to the ancient Chinese teaching of qigong. And absolutely free. From 14.00 to 15.00 on the open veranda of the Garden of all those who wish are waiting for classes on qigun, which pass right outdoors and include five sets of exercises available to people of any age and physical training. At the same time, an acquaintance with Ashtanga Yoga will be held at the Yoga Studio - under the supervision of a professional instructor with several international certificates in this area.

Sweet weekends

Overview Wheel in the Park

Overview wheel in the park "Tale": the best views of the surroundings

Materials press services

In the family entertainment park "Fairy Tale" this weekend will be fun and tasty. On Saturday, April 6, in the morning and until 16.00 the festival of sweet wool will be held here. The main thing is to calculate your strength so that they are enough to test the new steep attraction. After all, on the same day, at 10.00, the "fairy tale" launches the Russian slide of "zipper" - without exaggeration, one of the most extreme attractions, which are no analogues in Moscow.

Well, on Sunday - a turn of more relaxed entertainment (although the "zipper" wishes can continue to test). But for sure the line will be slightly less: because from 12.00 to 13.00 to create an incendiary mood will come "Fixy". All guests are waiting for active games, relay, incendiary competitions, dance battles and disco with flashmob.

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