Lisa Arzamasova: "I'm very afraid to start to be afraid"


- Lisa, in the cartoon "Brave Heart" you are voiced by Princess Merida. As a child, probably every girl dreamed of becoming a princess. How does your heroine coincide with your children's ideas about the princesses?

- In childhood, the guys with the dacha often played the princess and robbers. Each girl, of course, wanted to be a princess, but a robbery to be much more interesting. (Laughs.) Rogues In our children's game, they constantly came up with something new, they built a shala, ran and jumped and invented new ways to abduct the princesses. Sometimes the robbers were so flirted that they had forgotten about the princess. And I really like the Merid that I unlike the "puppet" princesses. She shoots onion, jumps on a horse, looking for his way in life and refuses to live on those rules that impose her. I think that every person wants to live his special life, make mistakes and yourself to correct them, look for yourself.

- Your heroine will re-with parents, goes against their will. Can you argue with your relatives? Show character, insisted on your own?

- Probably, Merid is more difficult than me. I can not imagine that in the family at all someone makes something against the will of each other. Since childhood, I was taught that with your favorite people about everything you can and need to negotiate. This does not mean that we have no controversy that our points of view always coincide. But I always feel in my mom first of all a friend. And it seems to me that this is very important when the theme of the relationship of children and parents rises in the animation film. My favorite scene in the cartoon is the final, when Merida with mom, both young and loose, jump on horseback in the fields and forests.

- Can you tell me that you are a brave girl?

- Not. I, of course, without brave. I have a lot of different little fears in the shower. But all these fears kill one biggest fear: I'm afraid to start ... fear. (Smiles.) Because it is this feeling that sometimes kills joy and curiosity. Here are some kind of new project, and you are afraid: suddenly I do not cope, suddenly it will not work. And from such fears you can skip the most interesting in life. I am glad when I manage to overcome my doubts and fears. Otherwise, there would be no such a wonderful project in my life as "ice and a flame", for example, or magic flights under the circus dome. This is what happiness is experiencing when it turns out whatver before and in a dream I could not imagine!

Lisa Arzamasova:

The action "Brave Heart" unfolds in Scotland. Lisoving the main character of Lisa Arzamasov in the homeland, the princess Merida has already visited. There, actresses managed to listen on swords, and to shoot from Luka. Frame from a cartoon.

- Your heroine is sent for help to an eccentric hermit. And who do you usually ask for advice and help?

- Of course, mom. Not even advice. Just we talk about everything, honest. Even if the truth is very unpleasant to hear, good when a close person can tell you it. And the most valuable advice that Mom gave me, "" Do not listen to drawing tips, think your head and feel the heart. "

- Lisa, and what a fairy tale or cartoon do you have your favorite?

- The most favorite fairy tales of those who told me in childhood before bedtime. She came up with their herself. And one of the most beloved from childhood cartoons is "King Lion." Therefore, I was so happy when I learned that the director of this cartoon is one of the director "Brave Heart".

- Merida in the film 22 costume, and she changes the hairstyle five times. Are you scrupulously treat your appearance? Do you choose kits yourself?

- I think that Merida did not really think about it. Such girls wear something comfortable or closer. It often happens to me so that I do not have time to buy something beautiful yourself. I buy things more often by chance. But, of course, I, like any other girl, like to dress up in a beautiful dress, make a hairstyle. When there is such an opportunity, I am very happy.

- Have you already chosen, in what dress will go to prom evening?

- I think that everything will decide with this dress at the last moment. I have no time to go shopping for a long time and I do not have to look for your dream dress. So I will ask a girlfriend, Stylist Alisa Gagarina, sew me a dress. I would like it to be elegant, but at the same time discreet, some calm color and necessarily long.

- Do you worry before this holiday?

- I worry a little ... But the main thing on this holiday is the mood. And it all with us, graduates, will look like. It is very exciting - to graduate from school, become an almost adult person, make serious decisions about the future profession.

- But there is still time to graduation, and now you have final exams. What subjects do you have the harder all, and for what you do not really worry?

"I didn't worry about the exam in Russian, I was sure that I could pass it very well, because I love I love. More than talking, that's for sure. I am not very friendly with mathematics, but I hope for a strong middle score, I still have been seriously prepared. I'm more worried about the exam in literature, because I can not understand how this item can be "refined" into the test system. Probably for the literature I worry most.

- How do you manage to combine the exams with acting work?

- For the time of examinations and preparation for them, I refused many offers. Of course, it was not possible to completely free time, because there are already some obligations, performances, or someone's shooting day "burns", but first of all - tutors, textbooks, and then everything else.

- Have you already decided where you come after school?

- I can say exactly only one thing - it will not be theater university.

- But then you will need to relax. Already decided how? Where do you like to relax?

- After exams, the first thing I will spend time on the set, and then I will have a vacation for yourself. But I do not know where I go. And I love to relax in different way depends on the mood. I love to travel, ride the sea, walk for a long time for unfamiliar cities, study them. I love going to the theater and watch performances on unfamiliar languages. At the dacha, mess around with flowers, sunbathing, take guests, sit by a friendly company on the veranda, chat until midnight. I like sometimes at home quietly in your room read, listen to music.

- After graduation, it is customary to say that a person makes the first steps in adulthood ...

- Probably, under the steps in adulthood, life is meant a sense of responsibility. I think that the guys of my generation it appeared much earlier than the end of the school. I learned to the cinema and theater that you can become adult and not to grow up, as well as easily and happily perceive life. There are many such people working. So I'm not scary, but terribly worry and interesting!

- You never spare that so early became the actress and did not live the "normal" childhood?

- This is my favorite question - about "ruined childhood." (Laughs.) It is strange that everything is asked, and how much does not answer you, you will not hear. My childhood was very normal, only movies and the theater added brightness, fabulous, unusual, travel, and adventures. And in the rest, everything was, as in the movies show. (Laughs.) And summer at the cottage, and meetings with girlfriends, and the first "twice", and notes in the lessons at school ... Acting has not taken away, but added. Someone went to English courses, someone in the volleyball section, and I ran to the theater.

- And what are you waiting for the adult life?

- What am I waiting for an adult life? Happiness. (Smiles.)

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