5 short journeys for May


Spring finally began, but while she is slaky and windy, and in some corners of the earth in less than a month real summer. You can start the season earlier, making it more memorable this year. So, we offer you five wonderful tour.


Gorgeous nature, hospitable people, delicious cuisine, and the evening can be finished in the famous sulfur baths - what else is needed for a small rest. At this time, all Tbilisi is already in bloom, crazy floral flavors mixed with the smell of kebabs. Nature still fresh, green, not dust, and the sun does not grow in all power - spring is the best time to travel.

Ancient monasteries Manyat Cool

Ancient monasteries Manyat Cool



If in Moscow at this time, timid sticky leaflets make their way, then in Israel the very present summer. For a few days you will have time to get a smooth tan and notice not to look like a white mol. In the most peak of heat you can hide on narrow uffo streets or in fashionable Neve-Cedos coffee houses, and you can take the place on the beach in the morning. And, of course, this is a reason to touch the shrines so that the whole year was successful.

In Israel already summer

In Israel already summer



The April parade of colors illegally, but this is not the only event that is worth visiting Holland. Although, the Kökekenhof Park is open, and the tulips are still abound there. In May, in Ammitam, warm and sunny, this is the most pleasant time, take the bike and slowly walk along the Canals of Amsterdam.

Enjoy the spring in Amsterdam

Enjoy the spring in Amsterdam



Oddly enough, this country in the center of Europe does not pay attention to tourists, although here are beautiful castles, not as injured during the war, as in Poland and the Czech Republic. On the beauty of the Danube songs are composed, and the weather in May well allows you to make a cruise on the river. And most importantly - Budapest is a health resort. There is a mass of balneological sources and shopped - rest and strengthen.

Hungary in vain forgotten tourists

Hungary in vain forgotten tourists



However, dollars and euros can be left for the summer, and they themselves, finally, to see the native edges, which have not yet poured tourists. For example, St. Petersburg. We advise you to leave the inspection of museums for autumn or winter, and now to walk, ride the sea to ride, admire the fountains in Peterhof and watch how bridges are bred. And it is simply one or two days to get out of several kilometers from Moscow: Kaluga, Tula, Borovsk, Zaraysk, Smolensk, Kostroma - Choose to taste.

Spring in St. Petersburg still few Chinese

Spring in St. Petersburg still few Chinese


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