Black dots: why they appear and how to remove them


What do we call black dots? This is the secret of the rowing gland in the output duct of the hair follicle, which, when contact with oxygen, is oxidized and dark, forming the so-called "black point". Is it possible to get rid of them forever or reduce pores, how does it promise cosmetics advertising? Not! However, it is possible to reduce the size of the pores due to the purification of the fat accumulated in them, as well as adjust the power. Want to know a few secrets, how to make dots with light and invisible?

Why remove black dots forever impossible

The answer to this question becomes obvious: you can not get rid of the sebaceous glands that continuously produce a silent secret. For this reason, no means will save you from black dots for a lifetime, but can brighten the points. Without rigorous fat, the face will grow rapidly, to peel - who would wanted this? Normally, the black dots on the face have any person, but their quantity and prevalence directly depend on the type of skin: fatty and combination skin is subject to the formation of more black dots than dry or normal type.

There are all black dots - it's just a skin pollution

There are all black dots - it's just a skin pollution


Watch for health

In some cases, black points are caused by the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, which occurs for the following reasons:

Hormonal disorders (hyperandrode: elevated testosterone; hyperprolactinemia: elevated prolactin level, etc.)

Problems with gasts

Incorrect meals (transfers contained in fastofud and baking, increase the activity of the sebaceous glands)

Stress (Cortisol stress hormone also makes the sebaceous glands work more actively and highlight a more thick secret)

Hyperming of the skin (hard scrubs and alcohol tonic injury and drain the skin, forcing the sebaceous glands to reflexively increase the production of skin salon)

How to clarify black dots

It is worth excluding health problems and adhere to the right nutrition. Then choose the right daily cleansing: the best practices with acids, clay masks, soft gumads, homemade peels work. Read about the method of washing in 60 seconds - we wrote about how it will reduce the amount of skin fat. Also at a minimum it is worth using products with comedoy-free oils: coconut oil, wheat germs oil.

The effect of cleaning face needs to be maintained right home care.

The effect of cleaning face needs to be maintained right home care.


Professional care

If there is a problem with home procedures not to do. Effective way to get rid of the clogged pores - facial cleaning (mechanical, ultrasound, vacuum - depends on the type of skin). It is important to remember that the effect of cleaning must be maintained to the right home care and nutrition. For home use, you can also purchase several professional tools for cleaning the face - for example, a cosmetology spoon or an option is more expensive - a device for ultrasonic facial cleaning (use once a month).

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