Fans criticized Lose weight Natalia Podolsk


In blogs of young star mammies, one of the most relevant topics is a story about how to get rid of extra kilograms scored during pregnancy. Recently, Natalia Podolskaya wrote that she was left to reset everything. "Girls! And now admit, who wrapped up for pregnancy? I had 11.3 kg on Friday after weighing "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors were preserved, - approx. Womanhit), - recognized a new mum. A couple of weeks ago, Natalia reported that it remained to lose literally two kilograms. And then the long-awaited day came when she was not ashamed to show results on the scales.

Fans criticized Lose weight Natalia Podolsk 33554_1

Natalya Podolskaya returned to himself "Dobanen weight." Photo:

"Dear weights !!! You have been very pleased today !!! To the shooting of the clip is ready. Premium weight," published a singer snapshot, on which it can be seen that Podolskaya does not smell, but really stands on scales that show 53.3 kg.

Of course, the successes of Natalia in the area of ​​loss were extremely pleased with the fans: "Such a dream of a dream is not only pregnant and gave birth, and not giving birth too," Folloviers admired.

However, among the fans of Podolsk, there were those who, looking at the picture, was not at all delighted. The subject for the new discussion was her ... fingers. Some fans called them "ugly." Also, fans watched Natalia the disease - the Valgus deformation of the thumb on the right foot - an increase in the bone on the thumb. Apparently, it was caused by the wearing shoes in high heels. Even a whole branch of discussion on this topic appeared on the page. "Natalia without complexes, well done !!! But the bone is somehow removed, probably very interfere with the shoe sock?! "," Natalia you need to check the foot. Your flatfoot will kill your spine !! Your bones on the fingers will be rich with amazing progress, "the fans advised the star. True, Podolskaya critics immediately shut up for the belt other fans. "Oh my God! No, to rejoice at Natasha, they saw bones ... It's funny even))) It seems that all are perfect, "the fans commented. Same Podolskaya in response did not write anything.

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