Retinol: Vitamin, which will slow down the aging of the skin


Retinol refers to such "mysterious" ingredients, which many heard about, although few people say that they represent. But if you want to improve the condition of the skin and deepen knowledge in the area of ​​popular cosmetic additives, then it is worth getting closer to our "hero". Assembled information about which should be known.

What is retinol

Retinol is a form of vitamin A, the ingredient, accelerating the process of skin regeneration and an increase in the production of collagen, which begins to decline aged 30 years. Retinol not only reduces wrinkles, but also helps to eliminate side effects from sunbathing. The substance, in general, is suitable for maintaining a good skin condition: aligns the tone, minimizes the amount of extended and clogged pores, reduces the intensity of the manifestation of acne.

Retinol helps eliminate small wrinkles

Retinol helps eliminate small wrinkles


From what age you can use

Retinol is recommended to add to the care program from 30 years, when there are already fine wrinkles and irregularities, but if desired, it is not scary and earlier to start acquaintance. On a younger skin, the effect will be not so noticeable, due to the lack of a large number of age-related problems, however, as they say, prevention is better than treatment. In addition, on the skin of 20+ years, the ingredient will be able to fully prove himself in the fight against expanded pores and inflammation.

Tips for use

The ingredient in the care program needs to be introduced carefully to minimize the possibility of drying, peeling and redness. Be sure to contact a beautician, under whose supervision you will conduct a procedure. Leather need time to get used to. For a start, try using the product 1 or 2 times a week for the night - usually doctors advise. Gently apply a small amount (approximately one pea) cream or concentrate with retinol on clean and dry skin skin, avoiding areas around the eyes. Wait 20-30 minutes to achieve the maximum effect before you go to other means. The course of treatment with retinol lasts 3 months, then you need to make a three-month break.

Solar baths and retinol are not compatible

Solar baths and retinol are not compatible



Retinol is not suitable for everyone. If you suffer from rosacea, eczema or psoriasis, it is better to avoid this ingredient, since the sensitive skin can even become fastened. In any case, the product must first be applied to a small area of ​​the skin on the inner bending of the elbow to check the reaction to it. Do not simultaneously use retinol and benzoyl peroxide, AHA and BHA acids. These substances reduce the productivity of retinol, and their combination will cause skin irritation. Finally, make sure that you have not forgotten stocking with a wide range of action with a good SPF, as retinol boosts skin photosensitivity.

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