Do not deceive nature: 4 signs that the partner does not simulate orgasm


View erotic films and video killed in many people an understanding of the natural process. For a healthy body, it is not necessary to achieve orgasm to achieve normally, because our body does not work by clicking. You may have a mood, to increase or decrease libido, to be a certain stage of the menstrual cycle, change the sensitivity of mucous meters and so on - the causes of the set. Nevertheless, understand when you and the partner reach an orgasm, and when not, it is important. Some people keep the templates in the head and simulate during sex, just not to offend a loved one. And when you know about the simulation, you can frankly talk to a person and find a solution to the problem. All this is in the material.

What about us between us

We do not agree with the fashionable now the phrase "Men from Mars, Women from Venus" - no, it is not. By virtue of physiological features, our organisms differ, but also between them a lot of similar. For example, if you consider an orgasm for the peak of sexual intercourse, then you can trace the trajectory of hormone emissions, as on the American roller coaster. Having excited, we accelerate, then reaches orgasm and almost immediately stop, as if rushing down the slide. This is normal, because when the orgasm is reached, the sensitivity, as well as the hormonal background, are in the maximum condition. After sex, you often do not want to touch the body to additionally do not stimulate the erogenous zones, which indicates a decrease in the number of hormones in the blood. She covers drowsiness, again want to free the space around him for a relaxing holiday.

Men and women are similar much more than it is considered to be

Men and women are similar much more than it is considered to be


Muscles are in suspense

In case of penetrative sexual act, the achievement of orgasm in women is closely associated with muscle contraction. The pelvic muscles are strained in the peak and expand in the amount filled with blood sex lips - a man can feel like mucous women tightly clamp a member. In men, the orgasm is manifested as the tension of the sexual organ, which becomes solid and the total former due to the inflow of blood. If partners manage to simultaneously reach the peak, which, by the way, it is rare, they experience stronger sensations that can be accompanied by the locking of the muscles and a slight feeling of tingling, which passes through the whole body and literally reaches the brain.

Look at natural allocations

Both in men, and women stand out lubricant - it is invented by nature to allow slipping between in contact mucosa and denser skin. During the initiation, the man stands out preeep, and the woman has a vaginal secret - without them sexual act would be painful. The amount of fluid is different, depending on the biological characteristics of the body, but usually 1-2 "tablespoons", that is, not so much. The achievement of orgasm in this regard is brighter manifested in men - sperm emissions occur. In women, this is manifested only during squirt when the sheet under the basin of a woman literally becomes wet. True, not all women are peculiar to such a reaction, so it's not worth judging.

The amount of lubricant allocated in humans is different

The amount of lubricant allocated in humans is different


An explosion of emotions

Yes, by moans, the partner can also be determined, whether it is really experiencing orgasm or only pretends. If a woman begins to shout, then the causes of two - either it hurts her, or she pretends. The first can even be connected with pleasure, but is observed during a sharp introduction of a member, and not at the time of progressive jolts. More often a partner will moan, squeeze the sheet with fingers or a man's skin, cover your eyes or eat lips - these signals will lee less than the achievement of a woman's peak than shouts. With men, similar signals are observed: your partner will turn the head back, close your eyes, compress your body or your hips, pronounce words on emotions. To distinguish the natural reaction from pretense is easy if you have sexual experience and know a person with which you sleep.

Do not be discouraged if you can't reach orgasm every time - once again we repeat that this is normal. If you do not remember, when the last time was satisfied with sex and experienced a pleasant feeling of fatigue, then it's time to come to the reception to a sexologist and both test the health of the sexual system at the doctor.

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