Tightening: all you wanted to know about breast lift


- Is it true that the chest suspender can do a completely any girl, and no special medical testimony needs for her?

- Indications for suspenders are mostly aesthetic plan, but not medical. We make an operation during ptosis: the breast sagging when leather or theralet stretches. Sometimes the doctor may refuse a suspender or transfer it to any time due to individual indications. For example, if the girl has not yet gave birth, then the tag procedure is not recommended, as it can affect the lactation. Other individual contraindications are found, such as breast diseases.

- What does mastopicia differ from mammoplasty?

- Mammoplasty - a common name for all plastic operations on the chest. These include mastopacsia, and reduction mammoplasty, and augmentation is an increase in breast with implants. Mastopexy - a suspended operation, when it is lifted by the milk gland, restore its shape and position.

- How complicated and dangerous this operation? Is it more difficult than an increase in breast implants?

- Such an operation is really more complicated, as more cuts are carried out, but more danger does not carry, since work occurs with coating fabrics. This is a more laborious process, but not for a patient who tolerate this operation is even easier than increasing implants that create unpleasant sensations. There is also the least complex species of mastopicia - Arestolar, in which small incisions are performed only around the Area (for patients with a small degree of ptosis), or perialaolar.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Plastic Surgeon Vladimir Zlenko

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Plastic Surgeon Vladimir Zlenko

- After tightening more complications than after an increase?

- It depends on the surgeon. If a professional specializes in increasing implants and rarely works with a chest suspender, in this case the risk of complications after mastopicia, of course, increases. According to some statistics, after a mastoplex of complications more, which can be explained by longer cuts with this form of operation. But such consequences are solved by the correction of scars.

- How long the result of mastopacsia is whether it will not have to do it again?

- The question is always very individual. Patients meet different - someone has a long-term forecast, someone has a short enough. In itself, the presence of PTOs and the stretched breast indicates that after a certain period there will be a small correction or even a full re-suspension. But this will happen only after 5, 7, 10 years - it all depends on the characteristics of the body tissues. A shorter period may only be in the hard case - when the patient with overweight dramatically lose weight, which leads to the provisions of all tissues, and especially the breast.

- How long is the postoperative period after mastopicia, and what restrictions?

- Usually from month to two. At this time, the patient carries compression linen, the month is excluded physical exertion (for example, a gym or some household goods). Sometimes after three weeks it is already allowed to engage in the tone of the legs and the press, but it all depends on the patient's individual reaction, everything solves the doctor at consultation. As for resting from work, enough three to five days - painful syndrome does not usually occur.

- Is it true that mastoplex leaves much more scars than breast augmentation?

- When mastopacsia, cuts make longer, and the scars can heal longer. However, for faster healing, various ways of correction practices, depending on the healing of patient tissues.

- Is it possible to combine a suspender and an increase in one operation?

- This happens very often. If the patient, the milk iron does not have enough volume, and stretches the skin pocket - that is, there is a lot of skin, and the glands and adipose tissue are not enough, in such cases, these operations can and need to be combined to make the highest possible result. The main thing is to pay attention to when breast increasing is implants. In the Practice Council, I choose those on which a lifelong warranty is given for patients, which is important.

- Is it true that after mastopicia can the sensitivity of the breast?

- Yes, but this is a short-term phenomenon - sensitivity is restored in a month, very rarely to six months, and there are almost no cases when this does not occur.

- Is it possible to make a mastopiac to childbirth?

- It is undesirable to do it before childbirth, because the iron tissue is affected during the operation, where dairy ducts are located. If you can do it after childbirth, it is better to do after. In addition, after lactation, the chest again saves, which will require correction or re-operation.

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