Treason her husband. What to do and how to be?


Meeting, first glance, love, first kiss, sex, wedding, treason ... alas, but most couples have a relationship to such a scenario. So the question arises: why the cheating of the spouse became so relevant in our society.

From my practice, I can say that the reasons for the change can be different and these are the most relevant:

one. You have not agreed . Your Union is a contract to be a pair, family. It is important here that both sides understand that it is acceptable for you, and what is unacceptable. For example, your partner has lived in an open relationship, that is, in relations in which sexual contact with another woman was not treason, but was acceptable. And you lived or assume to live in traditional relationship, where the partner is only one. In a new relationship, each of you understand your default. In this case, you need to recognize that you did not agree and speak in detail what you can do, and what you can not, what are you ready, but what is not. If this agreement was not made explicitly, then no one is to blame for anything, but only that you have not agreed.

2. You play different games. You think that you have a relationship that you are a family and so on, and your man "missed": he seems to live with you, but at the same time the search. What can it be despite the fact that you got married that you have a marriage certificate. It is very sad because each of you lives in some kind of reality, and so that these reality is to combine, you need a high level of skill that you are most likely not possessing, once they hit this situation. In this case, or you need to admit that it is so, and live on, or complete the relationship, or seriously work on yourself, develop to achieve that level of skill in which you can help a man make all these elections, and do it subtly Without acting actions, and creating such a space in which its change will occur.

3. He is immature . The monogamous family and in general the paired relationship is the task, an unimaginable immature person, this is a task for adults. If your man has not reached mental maturity, he will behave like a teenager, living more at the level of instincts, behave irresponsible, no matter how many years to him. It is useless to offend him and make claims to him - he's just small. It is sad that you were in a similar situation and did not see that your partner was not sufficiently mature for such a project as a happy family. You can complete these relationships or develop yourself as women so that in your space its ripening happened as quickly as possible. But this is a big job that ends with an uncertain result: the ripe, he can understand that you are not his woman, and whether you need to invest in it. On the other hand, you win in any case, because developing and improving your quality, you fulfill your vital task and still next to you will be a better man - or this one, or another.

4. The most important reason is He is not allowed in marriage love does not receive female energy. In this case, he goes and gets it somewhere else. Very often, women believe that the man should now. In fact, no one should anyone. A man may not have sex. Maybe it suffers from tenderness, affection, admiration. Maybe the quality of the space of the house is not the level you need. Maybe you are too fascinated by children. As part of this text, we will not analyze what he misses, but the appearance of another woman says that development in your pair has stopped that it does not develop as a man, and you do not develop as a woman, and your relationships also do not develop. We can do nothing with him, but you can start your own development, you can improve your art, and I speak not only about sex, but about all the SPECTOR OF LOVE. You can develop your female qualities, your female states, and then, perhaps he will be interested in returning to you again, it will be interesting to stay with you, or another man will appear.

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