Ideal feet: get rid of dryness on the legs


In summer, girls prefer to walk in open shoes, be it sandals or sandals. My feet are not hot, a bright pedicure is visible to everyone - all this can not but rejoice. But often subsequently, the skin stops thoroughly and cracks appear (some cracked heels are worth it). "Beauty requires victims," ​​Think you? I decided to figure out the causes of the problem and tell how to keep smooth skin stop and do without unnecessary sacrifices.

Why the leather in the foot cracks

The skin, especially on the heels, cracks for various reasons, but mostly the problem appears due to dryness and excessive friction. Wearing open shoes leads to the fact that bare heels when walking all the time hit the back of the shoes. It creates unnecessary friction and pressure on the feet. Cracks can also be caused by a disadvantage in the ration of iron and zinc. These chemical components play an important role in regeneration both hair and skin.

Warm water will help remove tension

Warm water will help remove tension


Useful advice

You can get rid of dry skin on your feet with the help of special pylons, but during the feet procedure should be dry. When the skin is wet, it is more elastic, so it will not work with peelings. Put the kitchen towel or read the newspaper under the legs, and after the peeling you will see how effective this method is effective. The main thing is not to overdo it with friction and do not damage the skin. After it is recommended to drain your feet in warm water with a lone of lemon or a teaspoon of sea salt and smeared with a nourishing cream.

Many use the usual body lotion, however it is important to remember that the skin in the feet is coarse, so you need to use a special means for feet to make the useful substances absorbed. If you do not apply a bodily milk on your face, then the stops should not be an exception. It will be better if the cream contains urea - it keeps moisture in the skin.

Recipe home scrub

To exfoliate the upper damage skin, you can make a scrub at home. You will need 2 tablespoons of sea salt, a small amount of olive oil and 2-3 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil. Ingredients mix, apply to the foot, easily massage. You can wind up the food film on top and leave for 5-10 minutes. Such a procedure will moisturize the skin, dried dead cells, and also gives considerable pleasure.

Sea salt gently disinfected and exfoliate the skin

Sea salt gently disinfected and exfoliate the skin


Avoid mistakes

Sometimes people come too far, trying to get rid of dryness, cracks and pessings in the footsteps. Definitely you should not use a razor or try to cut something with scissors. It only injures the skin and will bring even more discomfort. It is important to remember that it is impossible to get rid of the problem at times, so it remains only to be patient. The main thing is to regularly use a scrub and cream, and then your footsteps will not be threatened.

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