Anna Khilkevich: "In a conversation with my husband, you need to select words"


- Anna, in logic you should be in the wedding travel, and you are in Moscow. Why?

- Thank God, tomorrow we are flying away. So the circumstances were that we did not work out the day after the wedding. The fact is that we did not prepare: I have expired the term of passport, and when we got a new one, we did not have time to make a visa. Immediately after the celebration, we went to the travel agency. Happy, with rings, passports, money. "We are anywhere for two weeks!" - We said. And the girl as cut off: "Only Turkey. For a week 350 thousand. " Go to Turkey for such money - this is a sin! And we, upset, gone. Now we have already received "Schengen" and tomorrow we fly to Greece. We want to take the machine and ride everywhere. Of course, for the money you could fly somewhere outside the ocean. Price tags are insane, I do not know what it is connected with. Probably with the fact that we have tried late. But we do not despair. Although we still have no hotel. There are only tickets.

- It turns out, "savages" fly?

- Unfortunately ... But so more fun. (Laughs.)

- Have you already calmed down after the holiday? After all, the preparation of the wedding takes away the mass of the forces and time.

- It was so cool! After that, we were covered by a post-tree euphoria. Such magic emotions were, so many words of love said. And two days later we quarreled. It happened.

- Quickly risen?

- (I think for a long time.) It was a very personal situation. So it happened that we put up within a week. Now everything has improved, everything is fine. But Euphoria left. Therefore, I pray that our honeymoon returned those afterglow sensations.

One of the first pictures from the wedding Anna Hilkevich, which appeared on the network. Photo:

One of the first pictures from the wedding Anna Hilkevich, which appeared on the network. Photo:

- Anna, because of your dense work schedule you organized a wedding in two weeks. Share the recipe, how to arrange a chic holiday in a short time?

- It is very difficult! I do not advise anyone to repeat. Starting to prepare for the wedding you need at least a month for two. And my recipe: Take yourself in the hands and decide, decide, solve all the scope and quickly.

- It is said that the feelings of lovers can be checked during the repair. And when organizing a triumph relationship is also subject to testing?

- It seemed to me that our feelings were not particularly tested. We still haven't passed the repair, but the wedding has already mastered. There were, of course, difficulties. But they are noticeable in our household life, regardless of the wedding.

- You somehow told that after the acquaintance with Arthur, they changed their views on partnerships. How did you manage it?

- I had to adjust a little under an emotional man. In a conversation with him, you need to pick up words and think that you are saying. And the character does not show much, otherwise it will show me my own. In general, I learned to behave like a woman. Although I used to do more on male.

- It was hard to break ourselves?

- Sometimes. It happens, we quarrel. I cry, and then I think: why these tears, why do I show emotion, my weakness? And my mother said to me somehow: "You love a person. And when you love - always so. "

- It is said that at the first meeting you did not impress each other ...

- On the contrary, we liked each other at the first meeting. It just so happened that the first of my phone took Arthur. And, accordingly, he got my girlfriend. In fact, I, and he immediately understood that they were good. Under the first date, we played the board game and saw that we think equally and understand each other with a half-clow. Maybe it is stupid sounds, but it is.

- Every girl dreams of a fairy tale, did she get it?

- I think it turned out. We all went through the classic scheme of relationships. We did not kiss for a long time, they just met, recognized each other. There were walks until six in the morning - in general, everything is right.

- Why did you transfer the wedding date for almost a year?

- We do not "burn" - what should we marry something? They could not hang out at all, but we want to give birth to a child, and it is better to do in marriage. So it should be.

- Are you the right?

- Yes. We prefer to act according to the classic scheme.

Anna Khilkevich and Arthur Volkov got married on August 7th. According to the newlyweds, they could not register their marriage officially, but they want children to educate in the real family. Photo:

Anna Khilkevich and Arthur Volkov got married on August 7th. According to the newlyweds, they could not register their marriage officially, but they want children to educate in the real family. Photo:

- Future grandmothers and grandparents are already asked about grandchildren?

- They are waiting very much. Next year will be thirty for me, so mine just dream of grandchildren. And my mother is still quietly on the watch shows. (Smiles.)

- Have you already decided when you become parents?

- How God will give.

- Now you are husband and wife. Do you believe it?

- There is no understanding yet. Even before the wedding, we had a warm family relationship. And we want to show all how important the Love Throughout Life. We believe in this fairy tale. My parents together for 43 years and love each other. Arthur parents too.

- Do you already call each other "husband" and "wife"?

- When it is not there, then I say "husband". Suddenly began to talk for himself. "Husband" is a short word. It is more convenient than "my young man", for example. Sometimes sometimes we appeal to each other.

- For some reason, it is believed that the actresses are not engaged in the house, but you only pay time. Are you surprising a husband with delicious dishes or some other skills that housewives are proud of?

- I do everything that a woman should do. I take a lot on myself, but I so want myself. I am preparing, I can sew something, but not stroking. A cleaner comes to us once a week, she strokes. Although I really love to do it. This is from childhood. My mother and my older sister played in Cinderella: I seemed to have been able to clean and wash. And I really liked it. That's how I was taught for home duties. (Laughs.) By the way, a very good game for a girl.

- Anna, you are a popular actress, which all days are painted almost for a year ahead. Arthur is ready to expire with this or will you somehow regulate your schedule?

- He likes it. Yes, I myself can not sit at home and do nothing. While there is no need to adjust your schedule. And hereinafter - it all depends on the circumstances.

- Now the new television season begins. You can already tell you what you will delight fans?

- Soon there will be the premieres of two cartoons in which I am busy in voice acting. Then, I hope, show the series "Department", new series "Univers". I still have to get out the movie "I remember - I do not remember!". And Arthaus Cinema "Close Eyes", in which I play first class teacher.

- So much! How will you all so time?

- I always have time for your premieres! (Laughs.)

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