Joseph Prigogin on the statements of the vine to the address Lolita: "Why are the artists all the time put in position, as if they are some tramps?"


The fans of the singer Lolita were very violently to the statement of the composer Yuri Voza, who considered that in our difficult time, 40 thousand euros for the concert of the singer is a lot. "What should artist do for that kind of money?" - wondered by the question of La View after Lolita revealed his fees in the transfer of the "Secret per million". However, just immediately in support of the singer made Joseph Prigogin. He explained why Lolita stood up.

- Joseph, you support Lolita, because they communicate with it or in principle, consider this price for the concert justified?

- The price is a contractual thing. Does she work in a state institution? Who sets the price? Yes, and this is not a male - discuss the artist fee. Well, it is ugly. Call European and American artists, and you will understand that unethical - find out what kind of fees. I said words in defense Lolita not only because we are friends for 30 years, but because it is in principle wrong - to discuss fees. Many are asking for 100 thousand euros, and someone is a million. So what! This is their right. And Yura Line ugly acted in relation to Lolita and artists who have high fees. Well, let's discuss the cord fees, which has 200 thousand dollars. And this is not a lot? Kirkorov costs 100-150 ... Well, what are we discussing lolita? Not the highest fee. And Madonna costs a million dollars, even two. And what now? Lolita invests in his work and has the right to call that price that the desired one considers. If the customer suits the price it calls, it is normal. As for the mention of the vine of plywood on her performances, I believe that this is an insult. Lolita is a living actress.

Yuri La View

Yuri La View

- In your opinion, artists should not reduce the cost of concerts just because the pandemic is now?

- The price is installed not just from the ceiling. This is not all loliate goes, not all artists. They have groups and a huge amount of expenses. Why do only income consider? It is impossible to talk only about income, you have to talk about expenses! Lolita as much as he wants, so much calls. We have a market economy. And in the framework of the market economy, it defines the price. Why we are not discussing classic musicians, why not discuss someone else, but only lolita?

- Do you like a producer you can predict that the cost of performing our artists will fall due to a pandemic?

- Is the price of cheaper than steel in restaurants? Or wine bottle has become cheaper? Why are the artists all the time put a position that they are some tramps who cannot be their price? This is some kind of nonsense. I will say you that we do not reduce anything. You see cash concerts are cash, corporate parties are private parties. And if people actually want to walk, then they have, to what to walk and individually pay. It's just the desire of the customer. If he is expensive, he will bargain. The price establishes the market, not Yuri Loza. Demand gives birth offers. Birthday, weddings, parties are a purely private parties, these are not cash concerts. And these prices are negotiable, and now you want 10 thousand calls, you want - 300. This is the right of artist and his wishes based on his demand. Well, you do not discuss why Rolls Royce costs 500 thousand, and Mercedes - 300! Well, it is impossible to say that Mercedes is worse: and that car rides, and the other.

Singer Lolita Milyavskaya

Singer Lolita Milyavskaya

- Now Valeria has already planned some concerts. Can we say that the show business moved from the dead point?

- Recently ceased to advertise private parties. Now all private parties we will have a classified character. We do not want to discuss the performance of the artist, the more not coordinating with the customer. Why once again give a reason like Yura Lose? They have envy and bile. But I can already say that now the situation with the dead point has moved. The collar was removed.

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