Anfisa Chekhov used her own mom for flashmob


TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov, who has just returned from the next rest abroad, announced an unusual flashb. She called fans to publish pictures with their own mothers. And he became the first one who showed how her parents looks like.

Anfisu has brought the film "Ricky and Flash" to such a thought, which should soon go into cinemas. Since Anfisa avid the alarm and, moreover, he loves the actress Maryl Streep, she inspired the idea of ​​the film - about the relationship of mom and daughter. His thoughts of the Teediva shared in "Instagram".

"How often do we speak our moms about what are they wonderful? I am sure that it is not enough ... A film comes to the movie about the relationship between mother and daughters who play the legendary meryl strip and her real daughter - MAMI GAMMER ... On this occasion, I declare a competition: do Self with moms, write why your mother is the most beautiful ...

The winner will be announced in the account and receive 2 tickets to the movies ... And my mother is the most beautiful, because it glows from the inside! Glowing kindness, sparkles humor and warms with its warmth. She is wise and not mistaken in people, what and taught me. She mischievous and loves life, you will never get bored with her. She is not afraid to change and admit his mistakes! She never pressed for me and allowed to do his own choice, even if he was wrong, because for me in any case it was an invaluable experience! She is soft and feminine, although life more than once forced her and "horse at the race" and "in the hot hut". She will always support me, and even if the whole world turns away, she will be on my side! My mother is the most beautiful for me always and no matter what! "(Here and then the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. Womanhit), - written Chekhov.

A call to do selfie with moms caused a response from fans who wrote that they would be happy to follow the example of the star, especially since some moms do not know about the existence of social networks, and they will be nice to see their photo on the Internet. And to win - all the more.

A lot of records also appeared on the check page that not all fans will be able to participate in such a flashmob. "Yes, unfortunately, selfie not to do. My mom is not with me for seven years. Thanks to her for the fact that she perceived me, what I am. She was my shield and support. Thanks to the Lord God for living near such a person. I try to be the same for my daughter "," Anfisa, you do not cease to disturb my soul. My mom has no been for 4 years already, and in an endless turmoil of a mad city, with these loans, work, endless traffic jams there is no time to remember it. Her eyes, smile. And you are so imperceptibly and just can remind me of the main thing. Every your post with meaning and reminds me of love. Thank you, "Thanked Fans.

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