Flight and Grace: World masterpieces IV International Festival Opera and Ballet "Chersonese" 2020


Russian ballet is one of the business cards of our country. The inhabitants and guests of the Crimea this year will be an amazing opportunity to see world masterpieces not only ballet, but also the operas, you only need to buy a ticket and here you are already a guest of the IV International Opera and Ballet Festival "Chersonese" 2020, which will last from July 29 to 2 August . Sounds good, right?

Hardly you remain indifferent to what is happening, because the events of the festival are not held on the usual stage, but can be said, against the background of the ruins of an antique Greek policy, among the striking landscapes, the state of which supports the State Historical and Archaeological Museum "Chersonese Tavricheic". It is here that the star and ballet stars will meet with the inhabitants and guests of Sevastopol again to surprise their skill.

At one time, the participants of the festival were such "scene giants", like Sergey Polunin, Laurett Summerskale, Fabio Mastrandell and many others. Support for the development of the traditions of ballet and opera arts is incredibly important, because the aesthetic "vibrations" create an image of beautiful in our consciousness, and we often do not have enough beautiful in the mad rhythm of life. Without the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Government of Sevastopol, we could hardly imagine that such an event is in principle possible.

But the organizers of the festival that are "Russian Seasons" in collaboration with the company VIZHN Media Center LLC, this year went further and made guests and residents of Sevastopol This gift: this time the audience will be able to see the work of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia. Is it not a surprise! According to the director of Big, the artists missed the scene and most importantly - on the audience, who have not seen for several months.

The huge advantage of the festival will be the configuration of the site for performances: all events will go out in the fresh air - Open Air. In such a format, almost all foreign musical festivals are held, so the Khersonese organizers 2020 not only adhere to world trends, but also ensure the necessary security measures due to the situation in the world.

As for the program itself, everyone will find what to taste, because the concerts of the Bolshoi Theater will consist of two offices - opera and ballet. The artists of the chief theater of the country are already waiting for their release: Igor Golovatutenko, Dinar Aliyev, Anna Aglatova and other soloists of the Bolshoi Theater will come to the scene along with young dating - future opera stars. We are promised a rich program that includes works that conquered the whole world.


"Cherry on the cake" will be the ballet "Carmen-Suite". Once Maya Plisetskaya, together with the choreographer of Cuban origin, Alberto Alonso wondered over the joint brainchild, who was destined to turn into a masterpiece, collecting the full halls around the world. Is it possible to miss the chance to see the play with your own eyes? In no case!

And also ...

In order for the impressions of the trip the best, it is important to alternate their stream, and for this it costs to get acquainted with events passing on the territory of the historical and archaeological reserve "Chersonese Tavrichesky". Elements of the architectural ensemble unequivocally cost your attention: It is hardly possible to find a similar combination of cultures of different times and peoples somewhere else. In addition, more than a thousand years ago, Prince Vladimir accepted Christianity here.

If you do not want to miss such a large-scale cultural event, take care of the purchase of tickets that can be obtained in several ways - at the box office of the Chersonese Museum or on the site: https://quicktickets.ru.

LLC "GRION T", 300045, Tula region, Tula, ul. Mikheeva, 17, office 634, OGRN 1107154001558.


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