Fedor's VS Bowl: We select a hat for spectacular yield


In the past few years, the hat began to "appear" on the streets of large cities with enviable regularity, various types of hats can be seen both on young people and serious office workers. We cannot deny that the hat looks cool and original, but only if you correctly picked up the model. Today we decided to find out how to choose a hat to create a spectacular image.

We select the right color

Admit, most things you select on the principle of "just like" or "fit under the coat / trousers / mood". It is not surprising that wearing such things at the exit from the store it becomes difficult, because at home it turns out that the color is not yours at all, albeit with a coat is perfect. Of course, you can buy a universal colors hat, for example, gray or sandy, but this does not mean that such a thing will decorate you. By the way, girls with a non-market appearance sand and pastel shades of beige tones are made quite inconspicuous, as a last resort you have to make bright accents in make-up. To be confident that you look amazing, do not limit yourself to one hat to all images. We choose each principle "Which of them will make his eyes brighter or will not give the skin Earthy shade."

Take into account the color of the product

Take into account the color of the product

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Attention to the fields

Selecting the correct length of the fields, take into account your growth and width in the shoulders. If you are small, do not take models with too small fields, the optimal option is 8 cm. High girls can be said, lucky, they are suitable for any field options. And yet there is one main rule - make sure that the fields do not stretch further shoulders, otherwise there is a chance that you are equalized with a mushroom.

Pay attention to the form of the face

Before buying, carefully read the Tool - the top of the hat. There are many options and make the right choice is not always easy. There are as rounded models that are most often preferred by women, but also a weak floor representatives are not against the men's "hard" versions like Fedor - Tula of this model in the form of a trapezoid with a hollow in the center. Everything is simple if your face does not boast of sharp cheekbones and a neat nose, choose rounded Tula, in case your features are clear and as if pointed, we take Fedor.

And what about the size?

The size is very important. You should not buy a hat online if you do not know your size, you just can't wear it. Too much hat will turn you into a big mushroom, as it crashes on the ears, and very small - flies at the first cut of the wind. In order not to get into the unpleasant situation and rejoice in the acquisition, measure my head in the place where you plan to wear a hat, by the way, the size of the head often depends on the hairstyle, and therefore keep in mind this moment.

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