Julia Kovalchuk: "If you offend me, I can revenge"


If the style icon in America has long been considered to be Sarah Jessica Parker, then in Russia it is a fashionable twin called Julia Kovalchuk. Not so long ago, when the heroine of "Sex in the Big City" came to Moscow, they solemnly introduced.

But unlike Jessica, which is there, outside the ocean, in his free time is almost closed from the public, our Julia is always in sight and managed everywhere. It turns out that she since childhood is so active. Somehow, returning home after school, Julia sorrified mom with a message that he was written in the nearest Palace of Culture to all possible circles - from Macrame to the puppet theater. Since then, the style of her life has almost changed.

Julia Kovalchuk: "I am grateful to my mother, who never interfered with me to develop," maybe, because she herself was a creative man. " Although mom taught rather complex items: the cont, equipment for the factories, - in college it was a consuming mass. Therefore, I did not limit me. Today it seems to me that this is exactly what you need to raise children - not to put them in any framework. Let them try everything they want, and the inner instinct at some point will force to cling to the fact that he will become the main thing in life. For example, after some time, some of the circles, in which I discharged, gradually "fell off." Only dances, art school and puppet theater remained. But but this class I was completely given! I remember when in the summer came to grandmother (she lived in Ukraine), then real ideas arranged there. We went around the whole village with an invitation: "Hello, tonight, exactly seven hours, there will be a concert, waiting for you with stools." And they gathered almost all the inhabitants. It was so touching! "

And I read that in childhood you dreamed of becoming a pathologist. An unexpected desire is especially against the background of concerts, dancing and puppet theaters ...

Yulia: "This is a multifaceted one! Mom joking that, apparently, medical genes make themselves felt: both grandmothers worked in this area. Yes, I dreamed about the career of the surgeon, and the pathologist. It seemed to me that if you really want, it is quite possible to embrace everything-all. I adored to watch transactions related to operations, with death. I remember, my mother and I went to the film "King Kong". And there is an episode when a huge King Cong is made by heart transplant operation. At that moment, almost all the audience in the cinema closed their eyes, and only I sat, staring at the screen, and loudly commented on: "I would have cut off loudly:" I would have cut off it better, and here she would have sewed! "I, by the way, I still love documentary Films in which various causes of death are investigated. "

Julia Kovalchuk. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Julia Kovalchuk. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Julia, you have an older sister Zhanna. Interestingly, she is the same restless?

Julia: "We and my older sister are very different. Yes, and the difference in the age of us is quite large - seven years. So, if I am south, then Jeanne is the north. She is very restrained, calm, a little immersed in itself. Apparently, all the energy in our family to me

got it. "

Now, more than years, you have not lost their activity. Sometimes it seems that Yulia Kovalchuk has a goal - to have everywhere and everywhere. You seem to have participated in all major last time TV projects. Why do you need this?

Julia: "I believe that a profession that allows them to be realized in various fields - this is my great happiness. But I participate only in real iconic projects, they are important for checking me yourself: Will I be able, and whether I can stand, and where is my threshold of pain? And I do not think that I spread. Of course, sometimes I do not have time for something, but I get such a priceless experience! .. "

Sometimes it seems that you all are played. Is it just visibility or is it really?

Julia: "If it looks like this, then I'm doing everything right. So, I manage to hide from those who are surrounding the difficulties that, of course, are on my way. In fact, I have been in Moscow for twelve years: I came to the capital of seventeen, and this year it turns thirty. So I spent here a huge period of time. Now if all that I have today, I achieved the year for three, you could say: "How it is all easy and simple!" In general, I am very respectful of artists or athletes just that when they go out In public and make some kind of complex trick, no one and thoughts arise, how many works are behind this visible ease. Therefore, questions about what I all turns out by itself, I perceive as a compliment. "

Do not be in vain? In our country do not like successful and lucky. Here I regret it - we are all we can ...

Julia: "There is always a group of people who relates to a particular artist negatively. And even more so if this artist is a blonde girl. For some reason, it is believed that our path to the top of Olympus is not at all a thorny, but runs ... well, you know what part of the furniture. The most funny that I was in full confidence in seventeen years, which is just nothing that happens that the young girl can not take and get into the musical group. So I thought until numerous castings had passed and did not become a soloist "brilliant." By the way, already working as part of such a famous team, I lived about a year in a hostel. On the one hand, I was a public person, on the other hand, it could not afford to remove a separate apartment. "

Julia Kovalchuk. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Julia Kovalchuk. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

By the way, about "brilliant": recently there was a transfer with shocking details about the group. So, it said that you, it turns out, practically deprived of work Olga Orlov, taking her place. And the producers simply survived it from the collective ...

Julia: "I do not know where such information came from. When I came to the group, Olya did not work for two years, probably. And in principle, the girls well coped in the three, the fourth soloist was not needed. I just found myself at the right time in the right place. After all, initially I passed the casting not in the group itself, but in the ballet troupe: the large solo concert "brilliant," and the producers were gaining dancers. Casting, by the way, was very complicated. One hundred people in place! And at first I became a member of the ballet. While one day in the office of the group did not see me a producer. I looked so carefully, asked if I sing. I replied: "Give me a guitar, hear themselves." And sang - and their songs, and something from the repertoire of "brilliant". So it is impossible to say that I took someone's place. Olya Orlova, even by the type, completely different, and if the producers really looked for her to replace, they would definitely chose me. "

And the conversations about the fact that the rest of the soloists at first did not catch you, too, an exaggeration?

Julia: "I don't know who invented it too. On the contrary, I, hitting the group, was internally prepared for the worst: I knew that the female team was a special atmosphere ... And what was my joy when everything turned out to be quite different! Each of the girls remembered how she herself came to the team, so there was no deduction, there was no bullying. Of course, I can not say that I have become girlfriends from the first second, - no. But the womb period, which lasted about six months, passed under the plus sign. And later we have become truly closely communicating. And even now, when I got into solo swimming, we keep friendly relationships. "

That is, friendship in show business is possible?

Julia: "Friendship is possible everywhere, because it all depends on people. If the interests are close, life positions coincide, it is completely unimportant, artists you or hairdressers. Although personally, I can not say that I have innovative friends among colleagues. But I support with many at-bias. "

Mikhail Galustyan - from among such buddies? I, for example, was very surprised when I found that on my page in the social network he often mentions you. It writes that, together with Kovalchuk, flew to America, the fact that he gave her a dog to her ...

Julia: "Misha is a wonderful little man, very light in life. I am impressed that it is always funny with him. And we are really visiting with him. Moreover, now we are a little relatives, because my dog ​​Rico is the son of his dog. And everything turned out unexpectedly. We have Lesha (Alexey Chumakov, a permanent satellite of Julia last four years. - Approx. Avt.) There was already a Yorkshire terrier of Melie, so we were not going to start other pets. So far, somehow did not come from Misha: "I would like to offer you a puppy." And for some reason, I and Lesha, without claiming, suddenly decided to think about this topic. We reflected within an hour, and then I called Galusto: "I want to see him, where to come?" - "But where will you come? Puppy in Sochi. If you take, I'll bring it to you. " I even confused: "Well, how so? It is necessary to arrange a look at who the first will fit, sniffs ... "-" I'll get everything on the video and send you. " And so we have a son of Mishina Doggy, Jack Russell Terrier named Rico. "

Julia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Julia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Here you mention Lesha Chumakov. You have been together for quite a long time, but the controversists still do not subscribe: is your relationship - is it a PR or a real novel? You were not tired of similar conversations?

Julia: "I do not react to them. In addition, it seems to me that everyone has long become clear that for the sake of PR, we probably would have been active, worked more in the public. And we, like no other, are trying to keep our personal keeper in the family. To be honest, I don't want to prove anyone anyone. We gave a few joint interviews in four years, and this is enough for the fact that we would like to sound from our mouth. Everything else we do not consider it necessary to comment. "

You somehow dropped what you are talking to men in one language, so you can easily understand them. Do not explain what you meant?

Julia: "I, like many, believe that a man and a woman are not just different planets, these are different galaxies. We evaluate the same situation in a completely different way. And the main thing is that to convince each other in its rightness is virtually impossible - after all, "on the other side" a completely different mindset. Apparently, therefore, it pulls to each other representatives of the opposite sex. But for some reason, for some reason, really quite often in disputes between a woman and a man I can take the direction of the latter. My friends are even joking that in the past life I, apparently, was a mustache uncle. I really often do the way men come. I do not know, maybe reincarnation ... "

And your familiar men do not scare such your feature?

Julia: "Imagine what is it: have a woman next to him who thinks like a man? It seems to me, just wonderful! "

I do not know, I do not know ... You are also very initiative. What do you think it is normal when a girl in personal, amur affairs makes an important step?

Julia: "In my opinion, there is nothing terrible. If its chosen one is larger than it, sometimes it is even necessary to show the initiative. At least in order to give him an impetus to decisive actions. But personally, I note in brackets, after all, I adhere to conservative views: a man must conquer a woman. "

You with Alexei Both give the impression of the leaders. Two strong personalities are difficult together or when there are feelings, it does not matter?

Julia: "No, important. Indeed, two such brightly pronounced leaders, which we are with Lesha, sometimes it is very difficult to find a compromise. Even in domestic, everyday situations. But then the main thing is to awareness how much you love this person and how much is just a little to make concessions. In general, we, of course, are sometimes overlapped through yourself. "

Can you, if that, stand up for yourself? Here in the clip "right in the heart" you, causing a loved one in treason, kill him coolly. And in life are able to revenge?

Julia: "Thank God, in reality I did not have a similar situation, but something tells me: if I was very offended to offend me, then I can revenge. I'm also scorpion on the horoscope. But I will definitely do not go for violence. It seems to me that if men produce couples, breaking the plates or hitting a fist at the door, then women are often crushed, but when the right moment comes ... I really hope that I never have to open this facet of my nature. Until now, if I met with betrayal (in this case, I do not mean personal relationships), I tried to find strength in myself to re-move the situation in a positive channel. "

What are you still positive, Julia! Tell me, and for these twelve years, what are you in Moscow, have never arose such moments when I wanted to send everything far away and go back to my parents?

Julia: "Never! Not one second! In seventeen years, arriving in Moscow, I immediately understood: this is my city. Therefore, even in the most serious moments of despair, when I could really cry from fatigue or powerlessness, there was no thoughts to return. Rather, such moments made me work even more. So do not even think - I seriously and for a long time! "

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