Generation Childfrey: Who are they and how to calculate them


The term "Childfrey" is translated as "free from children". Moreover, Chayldfrey can be like people who simply deliberately chosen childlessness and do not intersect in real life with those who share their views and cohesive groups, usually on forums on the Internet or in thematic communities in social networks. The second group of people, as a rule, acts very aggressively, imposing their own worldview and with contempt regarding all children.

However, we decided to talk about the first type - people who deliberately made their choice and are not trying to incline on their side the rest.

Children need to devote all their lives

Children need to devote all their lives


For what reasons a person does not want to start children?

People may decide on the refusal of motherhood and paternity for various reasons, one of which can be:

- Unstable relationship in your own family.

- Features of the person.

- Influence of society.

When a man showed an excessive care in childhood, he was not used to the fact that he came to the moment when he needs to take care of someone else. He simply does not see in this sense and does not understand why he needed it.

When a child in childhood is practically not taken careful, they do not show sincere feelings, it can also cause the lack of desire to start your own child.

It happens that the negligent mothers are responsible for the care of the younger children on the elders, although children should not take care of other children, because this is the duty of the mother. Children who grew up in such families, usually senior, involuntarily project a similar scenario on their own family, and also refuse to continue the kind.

Often older children leave to look at the younger

Often older children leave to look at the younger


As for society, every young girl heard from a neighbor / relative / mother's girlfriend, that "youth is not eternal", about the famous "ticking hours", etc. Such statements from unfamiliar people lead to rabies, and a young girl decides on evil tactless Society refuse the joy of motherhood, sometimes making worse only, and not the same society. It is important to understand, refuse you from a child on your own accord or try to prove something familiar.

What is the difference between childfrey from Childheit

Detonework make up 99% of the thematic forums of Chayldfrey. A person who does not want to have children does not consider it necessary to sit online and once again prove something to others, because this is a personal choice of everyone. Another thing is when people want to indispose their anger, for which they are registered on such forums, unite in the community. These people have nothing to do with Childfries, for the most part these are schoolchildren who are trying to assert themselves and which in principle it is still early to think about children.

As a rule, the trees suffer from Heyters, which themselves are harmless and do not incline anywhere.

Think that you can give your child

Think that you can give your child


How to determine the choice?

You can independently determine whether you are childfree or not. To do this, you need to answer a few questions:

1. Do you see yourself as a mother or do you want to devote a life to self-development?

2. Do you need to continue the kind?

3. What can you give to the child?

4. Children change your life, are you ready to devote her to another person?

5. Are you confident that in your world there will be a place of new life?

If you responded at least a few questions positively, you can hardly call yourself childfree. However, this is not a reason to immediately run and start a child, think if you have all the conditions for his birth and upbringing, because it is just enough to love, you need to provide a worthy life with a new little man.

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