Errors at the wedding. How to make everything go smoothly


Errors can be a lot, but today we will analyze several main ones that many people write about, as well as those that I managed to avoid this season, unwinding customers to do so, and not otherwise.

1. Start the preparation for the wedding is better than 2-3 months. The registers have been transferred to an electronic submission of applications for six months, which makes it possible to think all the details of the celebration. Immediately appreciate your strength, perhaps you will not have enough time and you will need help organizer or manager. Do not pull the time with this - even the organizer is difficult to create the right wedding in 2-3 weeks, although certainly it is possible. Moreover, with early booking, you can run into a decent discount from different professionals and firms.

1. Start the preparation for the wedding is better than 2-3 months. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

1. Start the preparation for the wedding is better than 2-3 months. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

2. The unknown amount of the budget is one of the main mistakes that are made by the newlyweds. Sit together and write the estimate - only then can you understand what level you can count on the level of specialists.

3. From here, it immediately follows another rule: you should not take a photographer for 25 thousand rubles and an operator for 70 thousand - this is a different level of the wizard that may not find a common language. As a result, the shooting will pass nervously, and both will not be able to show what they can. It is best to take the photographer and a video program that previously worked together.

It is best to take the photographer and a video program that previously worked together. Photo: Andrei Zhukov.

It is best to take the photographer and a video program that previously worked together. Photo: Andrei Zhukov.

4. Make a day schedule with a margin of time. Be sure to add to each item - whether it will be a photo session or the road to the restaurant - half an hour. Better let the time remain, than to hurry and nervous. Not so much scary itself is late how much nerves spent on the road. Create the right day schedule You can help the manager - this is its main task.

5. The following advice is especially relevant for brides. The choice of stylist is to trust your appearance by a specialist. When choosing a wizard, listen to your heart - you know yourself better than others and if you feel that the dialogue is not tied, you do not understand each other, give up its services. In this market, competition is high, so it is worth searching for "his" master.

When choosing a stylist, listen to your heart - you know better than others. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

When choosing a stylist, listen to your heart - you know better than others. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

6. Choose a spacious platform for the celebration. Whether it is a restaurant or tent, let him be big. Even if you really like the "that restaurant in which we celebrated the anniversary of the Pope", but it is clearly not accompanied by so many guests as you call, it is better to give up him. Any banquet loves a lot of space.

7. In advance to make an accurate list of guests, it will not be possible - there will be a lot of changes a week before the celebration, and even for three days. Restaurants are asking for accurate lists for 5-7 days, so do not be discouraged if you pay more guests - it is better than the collection of food on plates from the neighboring table for the "unexpected" guest.

Choose a spacious platform for the celebration. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

Choose a spacious platform for the celebration. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

You can continue infinitely, but this time I will stop. I wish you a pleasant preparation for your chief celebration in life, the main thing - be happy!

Weddings Organizer Olga Marandi

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