"Youth" lifestyle has the limit


Who is he such a "boring" man in the presentation of young people? This is the one who no longer carries the previous entertainment, who has a lifestyle becomes more balanced and predictable. The stage of stormy youth for women ends at about 35 years old, for men, somewhat later, closer to 40 years.

To this age, people cease to go to the bars, regularly pour out at night, do not tend to change work, do not make rapid acts. It rarely happens to those who, for 30, unexpectedly hardened the noisy company to friends or go to an unplanned journey. New sports, hobbies and new acquaintances, unfortunately, too, the prerogative of youth.

Often the signal to "coating" becomes marriage. The appearance of children also makes them moms and datas lead a calmer lifestyle. Health care also reduce craving for spontaneous adventure. However, after fifty to men and women, the desire to travel or nice to spend time in the restaurant. As they say, "Sedna in the beard"!

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