Resort Roman: Security Rules


Turkey: You yourself are Natasha!

During an excursion around the city of Istanbul, a tourist from Saratov Kostya D. was seriously beaten. According to his own confession, he got involved in a local bazaar into a particular political discussion, which was carried out in English. Kostya owns the language at the school level, therefore, perhaps, some kind of offensive lunge to the local population unconsciously. The tourist was assisted in the local hospital.

Resting in Turkish Kemer, Muscovite Elena T. started a resort novel with a local resident. Ten days later, returning home, she discovered strange symptoms. Analyzes revealed a whole bouquet of genital infections from the traveler.

Who awaits us here? Turchanka hardly respond to the lovers of our tourist: local residents are very religious. But Turkish men continuously specialize in our beauties. The most innocent "painting" this hot oriental guy regards as an invitation to a closer acquaintance. Therefore, if a tourist has no mood "to light" with a local beach slave or hotel DJ, it is better to make a stone face in advance and answer something like that in a famous song: "Dear, I already have five husbands, I love them all, and You, if you want, be sixth. " Believe me, the sixth does not want to become any man on the entire Turkish coast.

ATTENTION, MEN! In general, the Turks of tourists respect and to the people who are conveyed to the young people are tolerant. But do not relax: in the affectionate southern edges there can also be maniacs, political extremists, religious fanatics and just patients on the heads of citizens. Never enter into any discussions (especially, political) with random familiar from the local, do not argue, do not rude and do not hurt the interlocutors. Try not to use Natasha's name, even if your companion is actually so called. Better at the time of staying in the Turkish shores "change the password" on the scene or Tus. No wonder our girls song composed "You yourself Natasha!". Alas, for Turks, the popular Russian name is synonymous with confused. And hearing that you are so calling your woman, they can misinterpret its status.

Attention, women! If you still have been treated for the sweet persuasion of the tanned handsome man and go to a picnic or in a restaurant, hold on: he will certainly want to get all the caress from you. Exit from the situation is to declare that you have, according to the results of past love adventures, there are some unpleasant diseases. True, in this case, until the very end of the vacation, they are guaranteed oblique looks from the staff, and even the hotel guests. So, if you do not want hot Turkish love, in your case the best friends of the girl - the "muzzle of brick" and the coffin silence in response to flirting. In all other cases, friends are more reliable than condoms, just not to find! If possible, do not use the word "juice" in the cafe and restaurants - even if you really want to drink. The fact is that this innocent Russian word in Turkish denotes ... Male dignity! Therefore, before asking for it from the waiter, it is better to try to remember that the juice of Turkish is "Suja." And on the "Sukhu-Suyu", unlike juice, the Turkish-subjects react quite adequately.

Egypt: And the sea is red here ...

Peterbursc Andrei L. in Hurghada acquired alcohol from under the floors. Having tasted the products of local bootleggers, the Russian thundered to the hospital with the hardest poisoning. Analysis of the contents of the bottle showed that this fluid is vodka to call difficult - a poor tourist was given a runday mixture of technical alcohol and some local drugs.

Tourist from Lipetsk Olya G., resting in Sharm el-Sheikh, invited the local resident to his room, with whom he met on the eve of the disco. In the morning, while the girl slept, her new friend disappeared, grabbing all the oline decorations and money.

Who awaits us here? To spin love with Egyptian to the Russian tourist is even less chance than with Turkhanka: in this country you will not even see the faces of a local resident. But here there is another sultry macho with the eternal chorus "Daevka-Beauty, I really like you." But from his Turkish fellow, it differs not only by the fact that the sea in its edges is red. The average resident of the country of Pharaohs, as a rule, goal as a falcon, and "Bakshish" (money Navar) is even more worried than the love of a white woman. And certainly more than the ideas about decency.

ATTENTION, MEN! As already mentioned, the Egyptian will not give you anyway, so all our safety equipment will need to communicate with the local "Habibi" male. Remember: in the Arab East it is impossible to take anything with your left hand, it insults the giving. Never take from the hands of local strangers unknown to you treats - whether alcohol, smoking tobacco or medicine. They may contain anything - from banal microbes to a potent local drug. And, of course, take care of the wallet - both in the straight and figurative sense. You can see you to cheat and stupidly rob.

Attention, women! From its potential lady of the heart, the Egyptian cavalier first of all expects financial support. At least in the form of payment of your joint leisure. Anyone who, who, and the Egyptian knows perfectly well that a tourist country with an empty wallet is not coming. Therefore, from too obsessive Egyptian Uhager, you can easily get rid of, asking him something as a gift and generally showed that you intend to have fun exclusively at his expense. If the Egyptian is spelled and ready to pay all your whims and even roll on your own car, but you still do not want it, you need to go to the Waiver. Namely - firmly declare that Eastern men are in principle not in your taste and you are a convinced fan of blonds with a nordic character. He will not kill you for it (there is a tourist police!), But offended for sure. And at the same time it will not be sent to you their black-haired and temperamental tribesmen.

Caucasus: Wah, rest!

While resting in Pitsunde Novgorod Seeds of W. Local residents were taken high in the mountains and thrown out of the car. And his companion Marina A. tried to rape. Fortunately, the girl saved an unexpected appearance on the site of a group of tourists. The incident occurred because a couple of holidays instead of taxi sat in a minibus, where several local men were already located. And in the way, Marina took their invitation to drink wine and responded to flirting that Djigites interpreted as a fundamental agreement on a closer acquaintance. Semyon just could prevent the outlined erotic rest.

Who awaits us here? Going on holidays to the former Allied Penates - to Abkhazia, Ajaria, as well as in Russian Sochi and Adler, you are in no less risk zone than in long-range exotic countries. Natives of the mountains for some reason firmly confident: once the lady arrived in their edges, then solely in order to spend time with them incomparable. Caucasians are usually with money, auto and very persistent.

ATTENTION, MEN! If the proud Son of the Caucasus looked at himself a woman, he will never tolerate interventions from her compatriots. Therefore, if you travel with my wife or girlfriend, try in principle to protect it from communicating with local loving. The most common courtesy or smile from the lady, they can interpret wheezing. Consider also the Caucasians - the people are very hot. Do not touch their national pride and self-esteem. However, this statement is true for any point of the globe.

Attention, women! Jigit does not get tired of curling you with long and beautiful, as Georgian toasts, speeches - if only you agreed to go with him on a kebab somewhere on the mountain Akhun. He will warmly assure that no encroachments will not follow for this. However, being one on one on the mountain, Caucasian immediately declared his rights to your body: "I am a man or where?" For the mountaineers sincerely believe: who has a girl dinner, he dances her. Keep in mind: Sometimes of the fabrics can be worn hardly for a violent nature. Of course, it largely depends on the level of development of djigites overwhelmed to you, but even the best of them will try to make you yours. However, there is an antidote. Caucasians - Men are impressionable, expressive, and that is why their attention is easy to switch from one item to another. As a rule, they love any sport, as well as rapidly in great respect for a woman. It is in mind, of course, not to the resort trainer in Bikini, but to the mother, sisters and other relatives on the female line. Therefore, if you embed into erotically painted speeches of your cavalier with a question, for example, about football, he will immediately forget about sex and read you a whole lecture on goals and penalties. During the sports library, try unnoticed by the Uhager enthusiaved with your own reasoning from the mountain (withdraw from the cave, hotel room, etc.) - in a word, to be in humans. And there I can safely declare: "I'm not like that you imagined yourself?"

If the number with sports has not passed, heavy artillery goes into the move: "You will have an almost unfamiliar man in a secluded place, almost an unfamiliar man would have been in a secluded place. What would you do?" "Wah, killed - and her, and his!" - Fully sincere answer will follow. What are you here as here: "You see, but I also have a strict father (brother, husband), and I believed an honest girl (wife, mother) you believed you, and you ..." There is usually jigitis independently speculate that "Type and Kill can "- and leaves your honor alone.

Islands: Crib for Aboriginal

Muscovite Anatoly Sh., Conducting a vacation at Mauritius, met a charming islander. In love she was very skillful and gentle. But the very day after sexual contact with her, Anatoly from the legs to the head was covered with a skin with a skin of unknown origin. The tourist was very frightened, deciding that it is some rare venereal disease. Fortunately, as it turned out already in Moscow, it was just an allergic to the oil, which islander rubbed into his skin.

A resident of the Moscow Region Victoria N., being on Turputovka on Phuket Island, acquired Thai pills for weight loss. During the breakfast, Vika took several pieces at once. And in the evening, her temperature rose, the tremor of limbs and violations of speech arose. At night, Victoria had to be urgently transported to Bangkok for diagnosis. The tourist has a serious disorder of nervous activity.

Who awaits us here? Aboriginals of inflexible islands are almost not corrupted by civilization. Island Don Juans and Charovniks are very sensual and plastic, and each emotion or desire without constraint is expressed by gestures. Here is the Cheat Sheet: If he or she concerns your wrist - asks to be Polaskaya; squeezes the hand above the elbow - begging not to leave; puts your hand on the shoulder - goes to rapprochement; And if your palm screames your palm - Know your aborigine (ka) extends from desire! Are you not against? You only have to squeeze your pussy your poses in response, and your signal will be accepted and is given immediate execution.

ATTENTION, MEN! In addition to condoms, which should be kept with them on any continent and in any country, it is not, to capture medicine from allergies with you. And also in advance to study the sanitary situation in the country, in which you hold the way, and make all the necessary vaccinations. Also try to learn local customs and features before traveling, so as not to get to see if an awkward word or offensive for the local gesture.

Attention, women! Ladies, to you equally relate to all of those we have said to men. Plus, in no case, do not take local drugs - neither for weight loss, nor to improve orgasm, or for hair growth, etc. All this is unknown to our medicine chemical compounds, and the consequences of their impact on your body can be the most unpredictable.

TAMTAM calls!

Being on vacation in South Africa, spouses from St. Petersburg went on an excursion to the wild Zulussky tribe and decided to spend the night in the present bungalow. At night, the tourists were awakened by the aborigines who tried to make them shake out the devil and take part in some kind of wild orgy. Petersburgers also tried to peer suspicious liquid and lay down some kind of grass with an unpleasant smell. True, having met hard rebuff, the aborigines did not insist and left tourists alone.

Who awaits us here? It is no secret that it is on the African continent that the main trails of sex tourism are running. The Germans and the British of both sexes especially love to stroll to Africa for acute sensations of erotic nature. The secret of the notorious sexuality of the inhabitants of the African continent and inflexible islands - in relation to earthly joy. Black people relate to life much easier than whites, rejoice in every day as children, trying to get one hundred percent pleasure from everything that they do. And from sex - first of all. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that there are never colds in their homeland, and the sun and fruit - all the time without restrictions. And they themselves, since childhood, they freely sispered in the birthplace of pampas in one loin bandage, without bothering the fact that the naked body is ashamed, and sex is dirty.

ATTENTION, MEN! The sexual habits of most Africans are pretty simple and simple. However, consider: in many tribal gelades, homosexual contacts are considered completely normal and ordinary things! Complete and sociable Africans and Africans and after a full-fledged working day are capable of beating all night in Tamtama and perform tribal and marriage dances. If you fell into the sphere of their interest, they will also be engaged immediately, without moving away from the ritual fire. Your business is to have fun, while firmly remembering safe sex and cunning exotic infections (all necessary vaccinations must be made in advance). If you do not want conflicts with a black population, avoid racism in any manifestation. And also - the Russian word "Negro". It is easily captured by the natives at the hearing, as is consonant with the English nigger, which is very offensive.

Attention, women! Remember that the revolving side of the cheerfulness of the aborigines is the extreme simplicity of morals. Often, their strange deeds are dictated by their no less strange laws. In Ghana, for example, in sexual contact with any woman you like (even a minor, married and large) has the right to join every man, which is in the amount of ... $ 50, one sheep and three bottles of bamboo vodka! It is in so much a fine will be hidden in the case of a possible pregnancy. So do not forget condoms: they are, as they say, and in Africa condoms.

And we all need to remember the main thing: say "no" we are right anywhere in the globe. And "yes" always remains on our discretion.

In the first-aid kit of the traveler

Do not forget to pack, going on the road:

- epiges spray (used if unprotected contact has yet occurred, and also prophylactically);

- Miramistin (used according to the instructions after sexual contact, even if the condom took place);

- sterile bandage and bactericidal plaster;

- antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide), iodine or green;

- medicine from allergies;

- painkillers;

- Activated carbon;

- Digestive enzymes.


- gaskets or tampons (when changing climates, the cycle is often knocked down, and in the local pharmacy you can not find the brand you have familiar);

- Soap containing Lanolin - it creates a protective film on the body, not giving bacteria to multiply. While the means containing alcohol, on the contrary, this film is destroyed, thus opening the road to microbes. Therefore, on long journeys without Lanolin - Nowhere!

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