What to do if the child became aggressive


Baby surge in emotions is a normal business. The emotional background as a child is unstable, as the psyche is constantly influenced by external stimuli. Quarrels in kindergarten, resentment on parents because of the refusal to buy a toy, whims on scratch. It is important to notice in time that the child began to behave not as usual, and solve the problem so that it does not turn into nervousness and irritability in the future.

What is aggression

Psychologists determine aggression as a behavior deviating from established social norms and make mental or physical harm to the aggressor itself and others. Specialists share aggression into two types - straight and indirect. Direct aggression is aimed at an object: insults, threats, curses, specific gestures, a fight. Indirect aggression is manifested through "bypass" paths. For example, a child can break someone else's toy, jabing on others, to tear his own anger on others. Moreover, the child can show deviant behavior in response to an irritant - a quarrel or conflict - or independently provoking.

Causes of aggression and methods of struggle

Children acutely feel the surrounding environment, although many adults still deny this fact. If the child sees the parents quarrel, and even worse, they will certainly adopt this model of behavior on himself. It seems to be normal to show my own strength, offending others, because parents make the same way. Also on the child are influenced by the rest of people from the environment - grandparents, family friends, classmates in kindergarten and classmates at school, guys from the courtyard. Make sure that you are talking and doing in the presence of a child. It is better if at a gentle age he will not hear family disputes in general - the psyche will be more stable.

Do not swear at the child

Do not swear at the child

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Another option is too strict upbringing. Everyone wants to be free regardless of age. A child who is constantly threatened by punishment measures for disobedience or is not punished, will definitely shown indirect aggression against other people. Discipline is a necessity, but you can always talk to the child in a neutral tone, and not to increase your voice or apply physical impact. The reverse side of the medal is hyperemp. In families who control the safety of the child at every step, almost always grow egoistical and capricious children who are only thinking about their own "I". Parents are often inclined to this in defective families. Let's a child freedom of choice in simple tasks and at the same time explain why you need to do your request. Children with whom parents speak openly and often, are usually not prone to aggression.

Become a child with a friend, not an enemy

Become a child with a friend, not an enemy

Photo: Pixabay.com.

The third option is the personal features of the child. At the age of 3, 7 and 14 years of age, age crises occur, during which the child's psyche is unstable. In this case, it is necessary to help it remove the emotional stress by alternative methods, rather than stimulate the anger and irritation with a response aggressive reaction. Become a child friend - support and encourage him, talk about love and suggest diversifying a joint pastime. Do not scold in vain, otherwise the child will close in itself. Aggression here should be a call for you with the words: "Help me, I do not cope!" Chat more and have fun to become the best friends, not the worst enemies.

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