What you need to know about crystal therapy


Kirill Tokarchuk, Bioenergy Hardening and Hardening Specialist:

- On the healing properties of the stones are known for quite a long time. To indicate this phenomenon, there is even a scientific name: crystal therapy. That is, treatment by means of healing stones and minerals. The basic idea of ​​such therapy is to stimulate their own vitality of the human body, which contribute to self-esteem. It is about the impact of the natural radiation of a small level. Such radiations can come from different minerals. It is assumed that with the help of stones, you can concentrate the body's ability to self-esteem. For thousands of years, a person has adapted to such an impact and reacts well to a similar effect of stones.

Kirill Tokarchuk, Bioeenergotherapy Specialist

Kirill Tokarchuk, Bioeenergotherapy Specialist

However, the impact of minerals cannot replace full-fledged treatment. According to scientists, it is rather a way to return the body into a more natural, natural electromagnetic environment. The inhabitants of large cities need to be most needed in this, where a person with nature is treacherously violated by urbanization.

Most of the stones that contribute to the improvement of the body's condition belong to minerals, that is, they are a natural chemical compound formed as a result of long-processes in the depths of the Earth. Modern experiments using highly sensitive devices showed that the energy oscillations of the crystal lattice of minerals affect the natural vibrations of the human body. Moreover, they can cause both positive and negative effect. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right stone for each problem.

For example, hematite is called blood stone. It has properties to stop bleeding, pissing wounds. This stone can have a beneficial to influence the liver, spleen and spinal cord. True, hematite suits not everyone: the stone can increase the pressure, therefore contraindicated hypertension.

Avenant enhances immunity

Avenant enhances immunity

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Avenue is recommended to wear people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, neuralgias, as well as with weakened immunity.

If there are problems with the bone system or recently been a fracture, experts advise to wear pearls. It also regulates the acid-alkaline balance, reduces the rate of formation of stones in the kidneys, reduces the risk of heart disease.

It is believed that sapphire is well promoting the treatment of eczema. The bed and poured into the powder the grinding stone is treated with a corrosive inflammation. Amber, lazuli, malachite is suitable for all types of wet ulcers.

Sapphire treats Ecose

Sapphire treats Ecose

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Emerald and corals can help with pain in the stomach. The latter is better to wear on the neck: they, according to experts, contribute to the treatment of stomach ulcers and soothe pain. Also suitable beads from jasper.

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