Men's frigidity: where does it come from and how to deal


Surely you thought that frigidity is exclusively a female feature. As it turned out, it is not at all. Men suffer from this disorder as often, and maybe more. If we speak with scientific language, men's frigidity is called the Alibidemiography. What is the most unpleasant, now more and more young men are faced with the problem of lack of sexual attraction. Why this happens and how to cope with it, we will talk today.

What is male frigidity?

In the general sense of the word, this sexual disorder, due to which the libido is reduced or the desire is gradually completely disappearing. Although this problem is not much discussed in society, as it is believed that a man never refuses sex, but it is, and specialists from all over the world are solved, trying to identify the reasons.

Most men are experiencing a terrible sense of shame in the matter of sexual life, and therefore do not pay for help from a specialist, preferring to solve the problem on their own, who read tips on the Internet.

Modern man is subject to constant stress

Modern man is subject to constant stress


According to sexologists, the problem is solved in 95% of cases, so it is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor.

Men are divided into three groups of sexual activity:

- weak.

- average.

- Strong.

As you probably already understood, the most frequent patients of sexologists are the first group. The problem can be both congenital and acquired. The most important thing is to put an accurate diagnosis and after that getting treatment.

The strong floor can be weak, and it is normal

The strong floor can be weak, and it is normal


The main causes of male frigidity

As a rule, the reasons for acquired, and therefore you can fight with them.


Without a nervous tension, no resident of the metropolis cannot present his life. Stress is waiting for us everywhere: in transport, at work, at home, with friends. Often, men in such conditions earn erectile dysfunction, and in addition to it and frigidity.

Send a man to relax where he wants himself

Send a man to relax where he wants himself


Undervalued health

Not everyone boasts excellent health - both mental and physical. Mental reasons include schizophrenia, depression, neurosis. Physiological diseases: atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the genitourinary system and alcoholism. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause, and only then do treatment, and at a specialist, and not independently.


A man can enter in sexual contacts at least all his life, but after 45 there is a decline in sexual activity. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to give up sexual life: medicine allows us to extend male health for a long time, you only need to find the necessary therapy.

What if your man faced such a problem?

The main specialists from which you need to start the path to male health is sexologists and urologists. It is important to understand that the effect will not be instantaneous, time and long therapy will need. This issue is important support for loved ones, especially wives. The man will make a diagram of treatment, which he must adhere to all the time while is observed at a specialist.

However, the most important means for a modern man should be a regular rest, and it should be surrounded by a large number of people, but only those with whom he can relax and forget about the time of affairs. The task of a woman in this situation will not incite, but to support and provide the necessary assistance if necessary.

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