Experts allowed the second wave of coronavirus in September


The second wave of COVID-19 epidemiologists predict at the end of autumn, which may be due to the beginning of the next academic year. The next rise in incidence is expected in November, which is typical of all respiratory viral infections, the main freelance epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Nikolay Briko, which is cited by Izvestia.

According to him, the severity of seasonal growth will not be very high, since the virus circulating among the population is adapted to a person. Brico also notes that SARS-COV-2 will not go anywhere, moreover, will remain in the population of people and will be periodically returning.

"Viruses adapt, they are unprofitable to kill their owner, they have a challenge to circulate," he said. This year, in addition to the new SARS-COV-2, the Russians were sick of four types of coronaviruses. Each of them came to the population of people, remained in it and became seasonal.

Experts agreed that the severity of COVID-19 depends on the immunity of each person. Prevention of complications from coronavirus may also be vaccinated from influenza and pneumococcal infection.

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