Alice Saltykov: "Mom scolds that I don't want to marry"


- Alice, why do you need Piton?

- I love these animals. I had a geography teacher who had seven serpeakers at home. She brought them to school. They were so cute, beautiful, friendly, crawled around us. Since then I have loved them.

- Usually girls have little dogs ...

- I can't stand them! When I see, I want to introduce them to Piton. (Laughs.)

- And feed pythons, it seems, mice?

- Yes, but not alive, of course. Frozen sold.

- There are few representatives of weak gender in the world, dreaming of a home snake. And what else are you not like that?

- Probably, every person is different from the other. I did not think about ... As for life, I have a simple life, if you do not consider work, a studio, tour. I, like everyone, I love to spend time with friends, hang out. The only thing my mother scolds me that I don't want to marry. (Laughs.)

- Now in 25 years few people want to marry.

- I, probably, even in 40 will not come out.

- How many years have you left Russia?

- Fifteen.

- Mom was interested in your opinion about studying abroad?

- Sure. We thought together on this issue. It turned out that a few years before that we went to ski. And there I met a boy, French. And his father was Georgian and spoke Russian. Our families became friends, and we even came to visit them to Paris. This boy told us about school on the Cote d'Azur, which is in a very beautiful place and give a great education in it. And after his stories, we tanned the idea of ​​going there. Literally for two years, we prepared for moving. I began to diligently engage in languages, sent documents, went to the exams. Naturally, I wanted to learn, but was scary.

- What about friends, love?

- It was very difficult. I met a year with a young man, and I was hurt to throw him. At first I sobbed constantly, because I missed my mom, friends. And still very disturbed the language barrier. After all, I practically did not speak English or French. Of course, the school taught and had a "five" in English, but could not talk. Because of this, I had little friends, plus shy very much. You know, I failed the exams not because I did not know the answer, but because I did not understand the question. But after a year I adapted and no longer wanted to return.

Irina and Alice Saltykov at the presentation of the clip. Photo:

Irina and Alice Saltykov at the presentation of the clip. Photo:

- Can you say that in London have become yours?

- London is such an interground city that he has neither his nor strangers. But there is my home, friends, acquaintances, work. And in Moscow I became somehow. I recently came - no longer accept. Although not yet Englishwoman. At first I lived in France, then in Switzerland and only after that moved to the UK.

- Did you get into funny situations because of ignorance of the language?

- Million times! I have a friend, a boy from Australia, so he still remembers one case. I just came to school, and he asked me: "Alice, how long?" To which I answered: "Yes." (Laughs.) Many funny happened because of the difference between English, which Americans and the British are. It so happened that in Switzerland there were more Americans - and students, and teachers. Therefore, I mastered the American English. And when I arrived in London, I found out that there is a huge difference between words. For example, the slang word "Fag" in English means "cigarette", and in American - "Gay". Or "Pants" - american is "pants", but in English - "panties". And if you say "you have dirty pants", then in England they think that you look at the panties! (Laughs.)

- Why did you go to Switzerland to learn?

- It so happened that my French school went bankrupt. Ironically, the Russian director appeared there, and after six months the school closed. I moved to Switzerland, as I needed to finish the last class and release. But I can't say that Geneva is a city that I know very well and love. He is very beautiful, calm, peaceful. But I did not master it, I had no time.

- In Russia, many would go to study in Europe, but this is expensive pleasure. Only mom helped you?

- Yes mom. And how expensive? I do not think much more expensive than in Moscow. We studied on a social paid program. But we did not pay for some suite services. Lived in a hostel: a small room, a toilet on the floor, etc. We were interested in education, and not life.

- Dad helped you?

- Not.

- Why wasn't it on the presentation of your clip in Russia?

"Because no one invited him." I do not communicate with him, he is someone else. Why create the illusion of relationships?

- When did you study at the institute, did you have to work out?

- Minimum. I immediately received education in two universities. It so happened that after the first course in the summer I became boring. There was nothing to do, I didn't want to go to Moscow, so I decided to enter the second institute to the vocal department.

- And how did everyone go?

- barely! Institutes were in absolutely different ends of the city. And London is a huge megalopolis, probably more than Moscow. And so I had to dangle every day. Naturally, some items strolled. Basically on the theory of music that I knew, as I studied at a music school in Russia. Basically, I was concentrated on the first higher education.

- "Dramatic Art"?

- Yes. It is called "drama", but you can and so translate.

- Mom influenced your choice of profession?

- I shared with her with my thoughts. But in the last grade school I had seven Fridays in the week. I wanted to learn in architectural, and in legal, become a linguist, because I liked to engage in languages. When mom heard about the linguist, he asked: "And who will you work?" I thought about the teacher at the institute and somehow looked around. (Laughs.)

- Often with mom see?

- Now less often, but by phone we communicate constantly, on Skype. My mother and I are very close. And earlier, at school, at the lowest opportunity flew to her to Moscow. The institute was already less traveled, and when it began to work - he almost stopped at home to appear. For one or two days, the maximum.

- How did it happen that you have become professionally engaged in music?

- Accidentally! I met the producer and came to him in the audio studio. I was presented to me as a great man working with world stars. I was shaking me from fear! And he says: "Put some of your song." I put. "Now sleep anything." I no longer remember that she sang, the first thing that came to mind, in my opinion, Lady Gaga is akapel. He said he would call back. And literally in three days he tells me by phone: "On Monday, come to the studio, start working."

- Did you believe in your happiness?

- Not! I jumped to the ceiling, rushed around the apartment, shared. For me it was shock. We are already working almost a year and a half. Here is a very long process. It is impossible to get out of one night, which is called, from the dirt in the prince.

- So you are a British or Russian singer?

- For me, Russia is not worth a priority, because I do not see the point of returning. I live in London and I want to work here. Why presented a song in Moscow? Mom invited. I think she really wanted to show how I grew up and what I do.

- How did Moscow party accepted you?

- It was fun. I, however, I didn't know anyone there, but I liked everything like everyone. The people dance. For the first time, everything went well. Naturally, I will come to Russia, because I do not want to forget my homeland, my roots. But my whole life is already in England.

- What is your citizenship?

- Russian. After a year and a half, it will be possible to submit documents for receiving an English passport.

- Do you have your own housing there?

- Yes. We invested money on time. (Laughs.) But this is not my merit. Only Mine! During the crisis, she bought me an apartment.

- Can you imagine that all these years would have lived together with mom?

- "What would happen if?" (Laughs.) Of course, I thought. I love to be alone so that no one touches me to do my work without interference. I do not like society. For example, I could never live with a roommate. Probably, therefore I do not want to marry. (Laughs.) I doubt that I would have a walk with a guy ... If I lived with my mother? We have such similar characters, we would not last long together.

- How did you live in the hostel?

- I had to endure. I was aimed at studying. I needed to catch up so much, re-study that there was no time for the parties.

- Now you allow yourself everything you want?

- Not. I am not a shopaholic, I do not like to go shopping, I do not need any luxury things. I enjoy my tiny machine and I am sure that no one scratches it and does not steal. Luxury, decorations, fur coats are not mine. I can not say that I refuse to himself, - no. I just do not need it. Of course, I am not so financially provided, but I have enough for delicious food - and this is enough.

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