Second grade: why after 40 do not take to work


All my life you have pathered, developing competences and experience, in the hope of "Star Future". And suddenly in the funny 40 (or even 38!), Renounced from service or being fired, discover the terrible: you are not considered as a candidate, finding thousands of reasons for refusal, while the reason is one. You are too old. What to do?

By law, the employer has no right to indicate the desired age of the specialist. But in practice, applicants are regularly faced with this discrimination. Here are 5 reasons why employers do not want to take forty-male specialists who are objectively literate and more than twenty years old.


Specialists 38+ have a clear understanding of life priorities. And they often do not coincide with the values ​​and goals of the company. It is logical that at this age in the first place the person has a family, the possibility is more likely to be with loved ones and children. More and more time people prefer to spend on a hobby and rest. And the business needs work horses who are still ready to sacrifice "personal" for the sake of "public."


An employee of 38+ ​​prefers work in the office, tied to comfort, less willingly goes to meetings, with difficulty tolerates the subway, accustomed to a personal car. Business trips, again, are not comfortable: not to anyone to leave children, etc. A visit to any business events, exhibitions, conferences and master classes is considered an unnecessary obligatory. The employer from the above is not delighted.

38+ specialists prefer not to linger at work

38+ specialists prefer not to linger at work


Reduced adaptability

The adaptability of a person falls over time. Conducted by these looks, stereotypes of thinking and manner of behavior, which in many cases provoke conflicts with other team members.

"Aging" workers do not seek to find a common language with a team, be "in a stack". They are less loyal and more docked on themselves. They are trying to move more young professionals, even when they are not asked. As a result, the team decays into separate warring groups, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of work.

Brain is not the same

Science confirmed that the mastery of new knowledge, principles and technologies of management with age is increasingly difficult. Faced with such inevitability, the employee acutely perceives its own vulnerability. Protection mechanisms are included - aggression and "attack". This, in turn, complicates communication with the leader and colleagues.

Words do not tell!

A forty-year employee - either the leader of the head, or older than him. From here - certain problems in interpersonal communication '. First, a disorder of subordination. Most of the age frames are poorly observed by the interface boundaries. There are no cases and frank rudeness to a younger boss. Secondly, a hidden or explicit rivalry with the leader.

And this means the desteabilization of the work of the collective and the threat of projects. Many experienced employees have the main goal of work activities - to catch their boss in incompetence, and not the success of the company.

What if you are 38+? Catch four Recommendations that will be removed from the desperate step - change the date of birth in the passport.

Try to take the initiative

Try to take the initiative


Show activity

And at the same time optimism in work and business communications. Put yourself in place of the company's head, answer yourself to the question - whether she needs such a person as you, and why? Yes, you have experience and knowledge, but you are not going to "burn" at work (and, in general, it is right, everything is your time). On the other hand, what does the employer give you? Find the motivation and run the driver that will help work with pleasure and excitement. It can be both professional interest and financial. Perhaps the work is just close to the house, and you can comfortably combine it with a family life. Also an option. Just do not talk about this boss.

Learn to young people

Do you know what we live in the Vuca world? This is a world in which it is difficult to make forecasts and implement the planned as it was planned. In essence, we are talking about the insane world. In which there is no more pitfall before anyone's experience. Including yours. You can throw everything that you knew from my head. The development of all areas is so quickly that knowledge and information depreciates almost instantly. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly learn from the new, increase their qualifications. Do not be lazy to attend exhibitions, professional conferences, receive additional education. This will help maintain brain activity and make you in the eyes of the employer and colleagues advanced and modern. Do not hurt to learn from young! You will not believe with what joy you will be told about new business technologies, recommend useful sites, courses, books. It is not humiliating, it is just the indicator of your professional and human adequacy.

Do not be afraid to learn from young

Do not be afraid to learn from young


Do not want

Surely, in the team you met an age employee who is always dissatisfied. The boss has a young and not far from the idiot that took this position by Blat. Colleagues - Fucks, Tugodumes and Rvichi, who are not allowed to take a seat under the sun. Social package from the company - Tears! Why is it not a free visit to the fitness club and dinners in the restaurant? Do not become such a textbook whit. You can not imagine how such a behavior "old" mans. Immediately from somewhere there is a stuff, under the eyes - yellow bile bags. Young organism is always pleased with life. You are not? Maybe you should check the hormones?

Know yourself worth

The phrases and the thoughts "Who I am needed now" and "who will take me at that age," as you guess, destructive. Because forty is today's not age. Yes, the task of the business is to squeeze the juices from the young. Your task is to prove that you are cooler, and that is why do not let juice squeeze out. If you have proven yourself in a company where you work, but they intend to leave, think how much you need it. Perhaps it is worth talking about raising in office and money than not to motivation. If you are currently looking for work, and you are denied because of age, it's great! So, this is not your job. I know one woman who could not get a job as a beauty consultant. And then he remembered that by education - a chemist. And settled on the plant. For six months, she completely changed the work system, breathed life into dying production and became the main technologist in production. The plant produces cosmetics and perfume. At forty years, life, indeed, just begins.

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