Maxim Privov is preparing dinner in Czech


- Maxim, at what age did you prepare your first dish?

- If you do not take into account children's experiments with a burning sugar, when I wanted to prepare a lollipop, then the first successful culinary experience is hot sandwiches. The recipe was spied at the senior sister and successfully repeated independently. Bread, ham, tomatoes, onions, a little seasoning and top of the cheese, all this is stacked and baked in the oven. Just before disgrace, tasty to indecent.

- Who taught you to cook?

- Hunger. (Laughs.) I began to live one early enough, I left my parents from Yaroslavl to Moscow. At first I did not have any that could make a real culinary masterpiece from any set of products, and there was no money on restaurants especially. And I wanted to eat. We had to experiment.

- They say you love to invent recipes yourself?

- Always prepare for the Nativity. For example, in the morning - cheesecakes. They are different every time. With flour, without flour, with the addition of or without eggs, with the addition of crushed oatmeal or dried fruits - in general, it all depends on what I currently have in stock.

- What else do you manage?

- I can gladly cook soup. Mushroom, from red beans, cheese, etc. The only soup that I do not like is from sorrel with an egg. I have a psychological culinary trauma towards him. He was forced to eat in kindergarten, and I did not love him, but they still forced him. (Laughs.)

- Do you have your own corporate dish?

- For a long time I was a fan of Czech cuisine. I am in love with Prague, there was a decent number of times there, so I tried meat in all possible options and combinations. The knuckles, roast and, of course, goulash. Although it is a Hungarian dish, the Czechs have long been assimilated. Be sure to try it according to the classic Czech recipe, with a dark beer.

Czech goulash from Maxim Talkov

For a start, cut the meat and onions cubes. We shift in the pan, add oil and fry ten minutes, stirring. Add some water, cover with a lid and some time with a small fire. Then we shift the meat, roasted with a bow into a cauldron or any other thick-walled dressing form and pour the sauce. Preparing sauce: take white bread and dark beer. Clean the bread from the crust and soak it in beer. The clumsy bread needs to be pulled to the state of the casis. You can make a sauce of thick or albeit, varying the amount of bread, how much more likes. We pour meat with a sauce, mix and remove into the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees. You need to cook for an hour and a half, depending on the amount of meat and heat oven. When the meat is almost ready, add all the necessary seasonings - salt, pepper and paprika. Beer will make the taste of meat tart and fragrant, but if you love fighter, you can diversify the list of spices. Tsmin, Basil, Major, Mint, Sage, Thyme. I usually use ready-made mixtures of herbs and spices. I love with pancakes or with potato mashed potatoes, but the Czechs usually prefer to the sideline of the dumplings.

Goulash with sinters

Goulash with sinters


Classic dumplings

Ingredients: 500 g of flour, 200 ml of milk, 20 g of alive yeast, 1 egg, salt.

Cooking method: Heat the milk, but do not bring to a boil, dissolve yeast in it. Salt, knock the egg, add flour and pretty knead the dough. Remove into a bowl, cover with a towel and let it stand in thirty minutes. After that, to tear small pieces from the test, form balls and cook them in salted water. The cooking time depends on the size of the balls is about twenty minutes. Dumplings are served with sour cream, fried onion or goulash.

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