Acupuncture from headaches: What doctors think about the procedure


Acupuncture is acupuncture, the essence of which is reduced to exposure to thin needles on certain biologically active points on the human body. In this case, the patient does not feel any pain when the needle is introduced. Acupuncture for five thousand years is a key component of Chinese traditional medicine. The effectiveness of this method regarding the treatment of headaches is proved by scientists. The procedure affects various metabolic processes in the body: the needles stimulate the blood circulation and the production of endorphine hormone, which then launches the body's immune response. This reduces the intensity and frequency of headaches - we will understand more about the question.

How is the procedure?

Thin needles are introduced into certain points on the face: between eyebrows, over eyebrows, around the eyes, in nasolabial folds and chin. The time of one session can reach the hour. Special training before the session is not required of you, however, before going to the procedure, you must pass a full examination to establish true causes of headaches: at a minimum, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of brain tumors. The doctor will inspect and say whether you should resort to such a procedure or better to treat your headache in other ways.

Before starting procedures, the doctor must eliminate the remaining causes of headaches

Before starting procedures, the doctor must eliminate the remaining causes of headaches


When to wait for the effect?

The felt effect of acupuncture, as a rule, occurs after the first session, however, it will take a course of 6-8 procedures for long-term getting rid of headaches. It is important to note that acupuncture in combination with medication therapy gives the best result.

Is there any contraindications?

Contraindications include:

Acute infectious diseases and fever


Benign and malignant neoplasms

Disease blood

Mental diseases

Heart failure

Contact the clinic only with a medical certificate

Contact the clinic only with a medical certificate


Be careful to health

It is important to remember that a acupuncture specialist must have higher medical education and extensive practitioners. Choose clinics with a medical license and a multi-year history of such procedures. Also be sure to read the reviews on the Internet before sign up for the first procedure. And most importantly - never do acupuncture at home - needles should be sterile and disposable, which is difficult to make sure when visiting a specialist at home.

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