Attention to the emphasis: a scarf, without which it is not to create a business image


Of course, the choice of accessories is incredibly wide, however, according to stylists, little can compete with a handkerchief on universality. Perhaps, using a handker, you can add any image to "dilute" boring classics or add playfulness to a romantic image. We decided to talk about such a needed accessory a little more.

How to make the right choice?

Probably the best solution will be the choice in favor of a silk handkerchief. It can be adapted for any image and regardless of the weather. In addition, a high-quality silk handkerchief will become an excellent gift to a woman who watches that everything in its image is flawless.

If the scarf is needed for an accent in a business image, we prefer to one-photo cards, a geometrical print or logo is allowed if the dress code allows you.

Also pay attention to the shawls with the ornament, which this season beats all record records. Here you can not limit your fantasy and choose any images that seem to you suitable for an important exit. If your job is related to creativity, why not try a handkerchief with a print on the topic of famous pictures? Pretty bold decision, but who said we cannot experiment?

Another trend of this summer can be considered the style of Bocho, however, the silk handkerchief in this style will not produce such an effect as the same palatine or a bulk scarf that will perfectly replace the jacket or a cardigan cool summer evening.

Shawls and scarves save in any season

Shawls and scarves save in any season


As we carry a scarf.

If you thought the scarf place only on my head and neck, we hurry to surprise you:

- The scarf can be used instead of a belt, if the length allows. Of course, no question of what functionality does not go - the scarf belt works exclusively as a decorative element of the image.

- Decoration for the handbag. Recently, the switches "swinging" from the neck on the bags, which we advise you to repeat in the near future. However, make sure that there is no strong break between the styles of accessories.

- instead of a watch strap or as instead of a bracelet. So far, everything moves from classic skin to "smart clock", you can noticeably stand out and attract interested views only by replacing your clock strap on a thin handkerchief. Or pick up a thin scarf version and draw on the wrist along with bracelets.

Features of choosing and carrying a handker as part of a business image

If you are unable to influence the dress code of your company, you should not despair, because the handkerchief is not prohibited, it is only necessary to choose correctly. Under the classic suit perfectly suit standard square handkerchief, choose silk, chiffon or cotton models that will not "overload" the image and compete on density with the material of your jacket or blouse. Important moment: The scarf should not hang below the waist - this is the main rule.

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