Irina Nelson: "Thanks to yoga, I met Obama"


It all started ten years ago, when Irina suddenly began to ask himself questions why in her life something goes not at all as she thought about what the reasons for her sometimes unimplement of well-being and a bad mood. At first she began to read books - good and different. Then he was gradually fascinated by yoga.

Irina Nelson : "I was engaged independently and Hatha Yoga, and Pranayama. And two years ago, when I worked in America over my solo album, it was parallel to me to undergo a special training from the Kundalini Yoga teacher. By the way, it was thanks to yoga that I managed to get acquainted with Barack Obama. "

Seriously? Is he also passionate about this teaching?

Irina: "Not soon the fairy tale affects ... No, first in one specialized journal I read that the Senator from California Barbara Boxer actively supports this movement. Through our friends who have exits to the influential circles of America, I managed to transfer the barbara to the record with the record of my song. I told her that I am a Russian singer, I work in America on the disk. Barbara was impressed with my story and began to invite me to his election meetings. They passed somewhat in the circles of Hollywood celebrities, politicians. For example, in the house of Denis de Vito, who met guests ... With the leukoplasty on the forehead: it turns out that the actor decided - for the first time in life! - To do meditation, fell asleep and hit my head. And another time I received an invitation to visit the meeting just with Barack Obama. At an amazing coincidence, the visit was appointed for my birthday - April 19. And I managed to take a place in the first row. And when after the speech, the President of the United States began to bypass all those present and shake his hands, and came to me. Asked who I am. Hearing that the Russian singer was very surprised, wished me good luck. And the next day I handed me a gift from him - a crystal half factor. "

Irina gathered a unique collection of sacred things. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Irina gathered a unique collection of sacred things. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

But in your yoga collection of this subject there is no ...

Irina: "He takes a separate shelf. (Laughs.) Just in my collection you can see only what has a relationship exclusively to yoga, to Buddhism and Hinduism. This is a mantle wheel, and Buddhist bowls, and stupas. "

How many exhibits do you have?

Irina : "About fifty. Among them are very old things - for example, one of the bells once was in the ancient Buddhist temple. "

Are there any specimens you hunted for a long time?

Irina : "Sure. For example, I have long dreamed of buying a mantle wheel: inside there is a papyrus from the mantra, and the wheel itself is a blatant energy generator, it can be cleaned atmosphere at home. In general, all the figures, even those that I just gave me, have a deepest sacral meaning. Only then they take a worthy place in my collection. "

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