Bore or zablud: how to find a prince on a white horse


Why is life so unfair? You dream about a beautiful prince at night - a strong, decisive, uncompromising, and you will get exclusively soft-fledged glasses with an eternal smile on the mouths and asking uninteresting conversations. But your best friend after each party will necessarily acquire just such a prince (strong, decisive and all that). But for some reason, it is always complaining that these narrow-minded males are characterized by her to death.

Everything is very simple - some of us "pecks" a certain type of men. Who is he - your eternal worker? And is it possible to somehow change this state of affairs? Answers - at the end of our test.

1. For a whole week, you are sitting on the strictest diet, to be in shape to another holiday. And suddenly a pleasant stranger offers evening in a luxurious restaurant. How do you react?

a) with joy you accept the invitation - you can always go back to the diet and day later;

b) not wanting to lose such a profitable party, you go to a restaurant, but there only languidly you look past the plates and swallowing saliva;

c) With a sorrowful view, we inform the new friend that just this day you have a very important business meeting.

2. On the first date you, spending a few hours in front of the mirror, put on:

a) the most expensive dress from the last collection - let him see that you are a girl with taste and means;

B) Jeans are what is always fashionable, everywhere and with any weather!

c) his "happy" dress, which did not let you down during exams, nor at meetings with former classmates.

Too windy or too respectable?

Too windy or too respectable?


3. In an unfamiliar city, after the indomitable shopping, you suddenly discover that there is no penny in the wallet. But you need to get to the hotel. What do you do?

a) try to stop a private owner who will take you for free, because everyone can get into a similar situation, which means that the world is not without good people;

b) Have a map to calculate the trajectory of movement: Even if the path takes several hours, it is better than begging;

c) everything is very simple: after all, you can always drive on the bus "Zaitse".

4. During the bachelorette party in the trendy cafe, the whole company is unnoticed by challenge. And you?

a) In the rustling of universal "bare" suddenly you start to lie sweetly. Let it be untrue, but as cute!

b) you say with some semicons - Fleur of mystery around your person does not prevent;

c) Here's another, what nonsense, I will reveal the soul in front of these fifs!

5. After acquaintance with the future mother-in-law suddenly it turns out that the lady she does not say to a pleasant one. Yes, and you didn't like her at all. Your actions?

a) Well, God with her - after all, it's not to live with her, but with her son! Therefore, during the meetings, you basically have proudly and independently;

b) trying to draw this kickimaru by compliments and gifts - everyone knows: with mother-in-law must be friends;

c) you will try again and under no circumstances to meet my chosen mom - you see less, sleep better.

If you are looking for a serious relationship, then you yourself have to become at least a little more serious

If you are looking for a serious relationship, then you yourself have to become at least a little more serious


And now you need to count what options the answers you often chose. If this Item "A" You can congratulate you - with such a light and cheerful young lady not away to meet any cute guy. True, with the same ease, he can throw you. Probably, so you got used to all the workers to enroll in Donzhuana? In fact, it is only worth noticeing - and among these windy things with the appearance of buddies there are respectable individuals, quite suitable for married life. Just remember: after the seduction period, you need to be a little serious. Or at least make a look.

If you most often highlighted Item "B" , then do not be surprised if the friendships with you seek serious men. Sometimes even - too serious. But after all, you strive for this yourself, isn't it? If you contacted the inconsistent conversations of another friend, try at least once in the life of doing some nonsense - constantly carrying a mask of a confident woman's missing woman on my face.

You mostly stayed on Point "B" ? So, let's agree: you are worthy of your cavaller for a hundred percent. Moreover, many call your chosen one, no other than perfection. Oh, are you still alone? Do not be upset, it means that the man of your dreams is still looking for you in his white horse. While there is time, maybe you should pay attention to more real candidates?

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