Bari Alibasov-Jr.: "Father under the mattress found a voodoo doll, charged to death"


The life of the Alibasov family does not cease to beat the key. Every week there are some dramatic stories in it. This time, Alibasov Jr. informed fans in "Instagram", which found a voodoo doll in the bed of his father, who was laid under the mattress more than two years ago, and he himself became a victim of her influence. I found out from Bari Jr., who is behind it.

- Bari, fans in vain discussing a terrible find in the apartment of your dad. Did you really find a doll?

- Yes, the father in the bedroom found a voodoo doll under the mattress. In the time of Brezhnev, at the Institute of Bekhtereva, the Institute of Parapsychology Research. And in this group, the specialist Nikita Istomin was studied - a biophysicist, a psycho-protein specialist. In common, they are called shamans. Only he with a diploma. I turned to him, and he told me that this doll - the hack of full, was made unprofessional. But really they tried to charge to death. She pensed his head and liver. And you yourself know that the Father has problems with head and liver. I first laughed at this story. But the fact is that I slept on this bed before the doll was found. When the apartment was surveyed, I just spent two nights at my father. And here I had a broken rib in one week completely by chance. Remember the fight with legal and Nazarov? But then I just fell - it turned out, the rib is broken. The next day, I break the pelvis - I fall from the Skate, where I am moving in Moscow. Again on low speed. I have a crack in the bone. And two days just go, I hide the door with my elbow, and I was damaged to the elbow, the hand was swollen. From the elbow, 200 milliliters of the articular fluid were knocked out. So I think: Belief, do not believe, but I slept three days on the bed - and on you. I never hurt anything, did not injure anything, and here for a week there are three tough injuries.

Voodoo doll, found under Bari Alibasova Bar

Voodoo doll, found under Bari Alibasova Bar

- Whose hand is the case, what do you think?

"Nikita told me that the doll was charged with negative energy and laid about 2-3 years ago. Just when they got married with Shukshina. And I am now starting to suspect that the husbands of Lydia Nikolaevna died not just like that. When I found this doll, I had several options that they were trying to do with us. From psychological pressure to the opportunity to believe that there is really some kind of black magic. In any case, we are not upset, because everything that is trying to do with us is returned to these people in tenfold. So we, in principle, anyway. On dad, seven atomic bombs were tested, and he was on the drum. And I have the same genes. So I think that we will break through, we will win, but, of course, when the king is becoming weak, the peels are flown from all sides. But we have a strong family, and there will be enough broken for everyone to drive them, do not let it close to our farm.

"And the wife of Lydia-Fedoseeva Shukshina and her family somehow interested in the health of Barim Karimovich?"

- Honestly, I do not care about them, I hate them. And the youngest daughter is a potential organizer of the attempt on the Father. They are detected. And this family is absolutely indifferent to me, the Father is also. I need the dad to become sane and urgently filed for a divorce. They are married, but potentially, Olga has a motive to kill him. Therefore, you need to organize a divorce. And in order to do this, he just must come and say: "I want to divorce." But since he is discharged from Kashchenko, he will need to pass the examination about his capacity. At the moment, it will naturally pass it. There is a risk that something will happen to him, and then I lick half of my inheritance. But this risk is minimal, because Pope has an incredible health, no matter what. Physically dad, maybe even better as a state than me. Therefore, I'm not afraid of my life. In the future, either he will restore himself, or I will issue a custody and reconnaiss them.

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