Gosha Kutsenko takes a 9-year-old autista artist


The actor Gosh Kutsenko has long been engaged in the help of children with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Some time ago, the artist, the organizers of the exhibition and the most young artist had an idea to arrange a charity auction, the funds from which will go for the treatment of children with Digraus "Children's cerebral paralysis." What is interesting, at the exhibition "Marcus, juggling fish", which will open the other day, paintings of the Autist boy Marcus Martinovich will be sold. Some of Kutsenko's fans at first decided that the exhibition of Autist decided to make a resonant story with the sister of the model Natalia Vodyanova, suffering autism. However, it soon turned out that the idea of ​​everyone came back and long before.

"Marcus Martinovich was born in Moscow in the summer of 2006 in the Russian-German family. Very soon, parents learned that the boy differs from other children. He learned to read earlier than to talk, but still does not know how to independently tie the shoelaces. He is right-handed from nature, but holds a brush with his left hand, because the right due to illness does not obey it. He did not paint the doodles like

Do all the kids, did not try to portray a house with a pipe, flower or sunshine. He immediately began to write with paints - and with the first work he declared itself as a super-constituent and unusually inventive artist, "said Womanhit representatives of Zeppelin gallery.

One of the paintings of the boy-Autist Marcus Martinovich. .

One of the paintings of the boy-Autist Marcus Martinovich. .

The paintings of the 9-year-old autista artist with an unusual view of the world are already known in Russia and in Germany. Gosha himself is not yet familiar with the child, he saw pictures of Marcus paintings, he really liked him, and he looks forward to the opportunity to meet the boy personally!

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