Autumn Kiss: Change the facial and body skin care products


When the long-awaited summer comes to an end, always a bit sad. But the most interesting thing comes - preparation for winter. Our skin for three year old months experienced real stress from the sun, wind and sea water. Therefore, it is necessary to put it in order. So let's start with the stomach. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, because the condition of our skin directly depends on the state of the digestive system. If you are now somewhere in Europe, you will definitely buy bifidolactobaciver and offer a course. The result will not wait long for a long time. European dietary supplements are much better than domestic.

If you planned some plastic operations, then autumn is the perfect time to implement these plans. For example, with mammoplasty and abdominoplasty, wearing a compression linen for a month, which is not very comfortable in the summer, and in the fall - just right.

In the summer, the body is overloaded with heat, changing time zones and many other factors. The skin needs maximum moisture and recovery, so we connect proper power with a sufficient amount of water. If we talk about cosmetic manipulations, I would recommend plasmolifting with an activator. The procedure gives an excellent rejuvenating effect, significantly improves the quality of the skin. Plus - wraps based on algae. The effect of such a procedure is noticeable just immediately, because algae has the property to pull out excess water.

Yana Lapututin gives beauty advice

Yana Lapututin gives beauty advice

At home, do not forget about the care in the morning and in the evening, high-quality cleaning agent to wash, then the second stage is cleaning and saturating tonic or micellar water and, as completion, nutritious cream for the night and moisturizing - in the morning.

You know, I am against the artificial sun. Forget about the solarium, because even using protective creams is inevitably fast and reinforced skin aging, the appearance of deep wrinkles and colossal dry skin. If you want to extend the tan as much as possible, use gentle auto markets, although such beauty tricks are not for me. Absolutely all means for auto market leave traces on clothes and do not quite ideally fall. In any case, the choice, of course, is yours.

With the onset of cold, all gelling light creams we postpone, because it comes to protecting and well-feeding our skin. Therefore, choose a more dense texture.

It would be nice if your cream contains SPF: even in the fall and winter protection of the skin from the negative impact of the sun is just necessary. Never guess, cloudy or solar will have an impending autumn time.

Hair shampoo is chosen for the first few weeks one that marked "after the Sun" or "After the Sea". Such a means greatly restores the hair, removes the remaining salt in the hair and smoothes the hairs throughout the length. And instead of the usual rinsing balm, we use a mask. We apply on wet hair, keep at least 30 minutes, wash off. And we repeat such a procedure with each hair washing.

With body, hair and face figured out, but what to do with cosmetics? Everything is simple: we remove the translucent tonal base from the cosmetic bag, add more dense. Bright gloss for lips will be left to the first frosts, and then change the hygienic lipstick at all, which will moisturize our sponges and will not freeze at a minus temperature.

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