Style secrets from Audrey Hepburn


Many dreams of creating such a style for themselves so that the surrounding necks turn the neck, trying to consider you better, and then - to repeat you unsuccessfully. However, to find its unique style, you need to understand why in general one image is forgotten, and the other becomes cult. Today's example is an amazing woman Audrey Hepburn, who has become a role-playing model for girls around the world. The most popular image of Audrey appeared thanks to the film "Breakfast at Tiffany". Let us try to figure out what is the secret of one of the main actresses of the Golden Age Hollywood.

The girl introduced wide-headed hats and round glasses

The girl introduced wide-headed hats and round glasses


Own style

The basis of the success and popularity of the images of the actress is elegance and femininity. Almost always she wore lung dresses, ideally sitting in the figure. Moreover, she chose only those who were ideally suited to her, for example, sun skirts, classic black dresses and so on. She never forgot about accessories, thanks to Hepburn from the end of the last century, high hairstyles were included, long earrings, round glasses from the sun and hats with wide fields.

Perfect Makeup

As the actress itself said, makeup can decorate you only outwardly, internal beauty depends only on you. If you start disassembling the subtleties of its makeup, you will not find anything causing and vulgar. On the contrary, she tried to be loyal minimalism, drawing black arrows and highlighting an eyelashes on a pale face. This technique is repeated by many girls, and therefore they always look winning. It is noteworthy, but Audrey completely abandoned makeup, going to a meeting with the fashion designer of Zhivushi, which did not prevent her from becoming his muse.

Always ready to change

As a true actress Audrey has always been ready for change and never afraid to try something new. The only thing that has always remained with her is a feeling of femininity and the ability to show it. You remember that for the film "Roman holidays" she decided to cut off her hair at the request of the director? She understood that changes are important and needed, without them it is impossible to advance further in anything.

Style secrets from Audrey Hepburn 33120_2

"Fishka" Audrey was thick eyelashes


Proper nutrition

The actress has always carefully watched weight and, in general, behind the figure. The basis of its diet was protein food and vegetables, for a long time she adhered to the principle of separate nutrition. Of course, she completely eliminated alcohol and knew the measure in the use of sugar, because alcohol and desserts could cause irreparable damage to her visiting card - Figure.

Healthy lifestyle

Despite the lack of sports in his life, Audrey managed to preserve a wonderful form. However, it was not always that: in his youth actress was fond of ballet that, perhaps, and gave her a unique grace. Becoming older, she loved to make long walks with his dogs, and walks out the fresh air, as you know, better than any sultry fitness center. Audrey considered it necessary to fall out, otherwise, according to her, she felt sluggish and tired throughout the day.

The most famous image of the actress

The most famous image of the actress


Careful skin care and hair

It is impossible to imagine that such a spectacular woman belongs to care for yourself as an excessive time and strength. It is known that she selected only the best means to care for their dry skin. In addition, it often used folk methods, which herself loved to tell.

Perfect posture

Again, the ballet in his youth helped Audrey to develop a wonderful posture, which was one of the secrets of her elegance. And keep the back exactly she managed not only in front of the camera and in secular events, but in and in ordinary life.

Immaculate in any situation

Even on weekends, Audrey did not give themselves the slacks: early got up, made a useful breakfast and went for a walk, if there were no other important affairs. Going out of the house, he thoroughly prepared for the appearance of people, choosing exquisite clothing options. She loved pants-Capri, which are just perfectly combined with turtlenecks and shirts. I did not forget about the laying, albeit not even evening, but her hair always looked neatly.


Becoming an adult woman, she remained the same as beautiful, with no plastic surgeon seen her at the reception. The actress sincerely believed that love helps to support the tone. In her opinion, only awareness of what you love and loved, gives you extra forces.

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