Knowledge Day: Stars whose children first went to school


Katya Lel and her daughter Emilia

Singer Katya Lel was very worried when he came to school with her daughter Emily. This year the girl goes to the first class. She was dressed in a new school shape and with a beautiful pink rim with a bow. Together with the girl on the line came the singer with her husband, sister Irina, Mom, mother-in-law and other relatives. From the first occupation, the girl returned with a serious expression on his face and with the realization that the Deedsads ended.

"Hooray! First grade! First time!!! Daughter led one of the most beautiful graduates?! Congratulations on the heart of all happy knowledge, my wonderful! " (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit), did not hold back Katya emotions on his page in the social network.

After school, the singer returned home and told Womanhit about the main event of this year. It turned out that the selection of school Katya was treated very seriously.

Daughter Kati Lel Emilia for the first time first went to school.

Daughter Kati Lel Emilia for the first time first went to school.

Lilia Charlovskaya

"A year before this event, we began to learn what performance indicators from schools located near us in the center of Moscow. This school was in the fourth place. She was 80 years old, last year there were 15 medals. Already at first grades in training there is a bias Biology and medicine. I think it's great, especially when there is a terrific teacher. Also, Emilia is engaged in English with a private teacher. By the way, the first class they have only one in this school. Today we enjoyed staying: Class Beautiful, daughter I liked, "the artist told.

The singer Lel approached carefully not only to the issue of school selection, but also to the question of choosing school uniform. She bought the entire collection, which was offered to students. "They have a single shape of blue. We took several different sets. These are dresses, and sundresses, and a trouser suit with jackets, vests, beautiful blouses with turtlenecks. I would gladly wore such things in life. " (Smiles.)

As for the hobbies of the new schoolgirl, the child at the singer, of course, grows creative. According to Kati, the girl is engaged in the school of Alla Pugacheva, and it constantly pulls to the musical instrument, so it is not necessary to force. "Of course, time will tell, who to be, but a couple of years ago she suddenly said to me:" I will sing like you. " I replied: "It is impossible, this is a difficult profession." To which the child said: "Well, you sing!" It is not wonderful that the young artist on the line was given the first to read the washed. She prepared him with a star mother.

]Inna Zhirkova and son Dima

Inna Zhirkov with children.

Inna Zhirkov with children.

The spouse of the football player Yury Zhirkov Inna will grow up two children. The older Dima has already been seven years old. And today she took him to the first class.

Inna Zhirkova and the first-grader Dima's son.

Inna Zhirkova and the first-grader Dima's son.

Lilia Charlovskaya

"It's hard to believe that my son is already so adult. Today I took my beloved in the first class !!!" - Signed Inna snapshot under photography, where her favorite offspring sits at the desk.

Inna also took with him the younger daughter by a cilance, which was recently celebrated birthday. She turned five years old. The school of the Son is located near the house, which for pregnant Inna turned out to be an important factor: she plans to pick up a child from the school herself, albeit with a carriage. At the end of the month Zhirkov should give birth.

Andrei Grigoriev Apollonov and Son Artem

Andrei Grigoriev Apollonov with family. Photo: Anna Makarevich.

Andrei Grigoriev Apollonov with family. Photo: Anna Makarevich.

For "red" Ivanushka, this day also became a festive. I had to get up from an early morning, despite the late concerts on the eve, and go to school. The singer led his younger son of Artem. He published a picture of a child in the social network, making a fun signature: "In the 1st sending # Artemy # School # needed # to study # riderworks. But lacqueredufli. "

As we managed to learn Womanhit, the child, like all the "simple mortals," was also preparing for school: I learned to read, write, visited the lessons of mathematics. In addition, Artem studies English. As for extracurricular work, the main passion for the child is hockey. Artem followed the example of the older brother Ivan, which is long and quite well on skates. Artem has already planned his future. In particular, when he grows, he wants his mother to become his sports manager.

Son Andrei Grigorieva-Apolloov Artem. Photo: Anna Makarevich.

Son Andrei Grigorieva-Apolloov Artem. Photo: Anna Makarevich.

What is interesting, the most stringent in the family is not a mother, but dad. It is he always insists that instead of watching a hockey boy drove for her lessons. The artist follows the sons to read a lot. He also checks academic performance. But Marina, Mom Artem, on the contrary, gladly looks at hockey with sons. By the way, Maryna, along with Grandma Artem, ride with him on a bike and rollers.

Recently, the boy also surprises star parents with its design abilities. In particular, he has already built almost entire cities from the designer. And of course, like any boys, the sons of Grigoriev-Apolloov houses so many cars that they barely fit in the room. By the way, the musical abilities of the boy also appeared. He plays a synthesizer who gave him dad.

Singer Margarita Sukhankina and Soul Son

Margarita Sukhankina with son Serie. Photo: Personal archive of singers.

Margarita Sukhankina with son Serie. Photo: Personal archive of singers.

In the Mirage Solochki family of Margarita Sukhankina joyful event. She led her son to School today. And the Womanhit singer told about the wisdom of preparing the child to school. It turned out that the boy did not go to the kindergarten to the school, but at the same time he worked hard.

"Seryozha did not go to kindergarten, and I didn't really do this, although the opportunity was," the artist told. - He just walked for additional classes: to a music school, on the choir. The so-called society he had it: they together with the younger sister Leroy were engaged everywhere, so there is enough communication with children. And we have on the site, on the territory of our country village, also live families with children, and we communicate a lot. I did not fundamentally, I did not want to give children to school in any state institutions. The children were with me, with a grandmother, with a grandfather. I needed it, and we coped. And soon there will be a school to which we prepared for yourself: everyone was engaged in every morning. Seryozha and reads, and writes. I recently met the teacher who would lead him to the first class, and when she asked how much the child was ready, I said that we read, write. She replied: for God's sake, stop, and then he will be bored. Therefore, we are absolutely ready. I hope that there will be no special difficulties in the first class. We already read the Lerochka and thinks and thinks, we are also preparing, to school in a year ...

- They say you even rearrange in the bedroom by September 1st ...

- Yes, I did it for all the rules of Feng Shui. For example, the table cannot be placed in an angle or to the window. The ideal option when the child sits back to the wall and face to the entrance door - then he will see everyone who enters, and the wall will give a sense of security. Well, it is also important that the room is well lit, and there were no dark corners.

It seems to me that I worry about the first of September more than Seryozha. For him, this is a new interesting stage, and for me - excitement in all reasons. How he will come down with classmates, as will find a common language with a teacher, how will feel himself, being half the day away from home. Well, I will miss!

Maksim and Daughter Sasha

Maksim sent to the first class of the daughter Sasha. Photo:

Maksim sent to the first class of the daughter Sasha. Photo:

The singer Maksim brought the daughter of Sasha on her first school line in his life. The girl is already fully ready for study. And the photo taken at school, the singer shared with the subscribers of his microblogging. In the first picture, Sasha is preparing for entering school.

"That feeling when" knowledge day "is your day," the picture signed the picture, where the class was visible, where her daughter learns. And under the next left a comic entry: "My condolences". The photo of the singer took a picture against the background of the board, where it is written: "1st" A ". The fans have appreciated the joke, and some commented that here Maksim and the self can be adopted for the student.

In addition, first-graders appeared in the family of Sergey Zhigunov - his granddaughter Yule seven. The son of Dmitry Duzheva Ivan, the son of Constandan Khabensky Vanya, the son of Andrei Merzlikina Serafima, the son of Olesi Sudzilovskaya Artem and Marty's twins and Artem singer Diana Arbenina and Artem singer Diana Arbenina.

Maria Maksakova and Ilya

Maria Maksakova and son Ilya. .

Maria Maksakova and son Ilya. .

The son of Maria Maksakova has been 11 years old, but he again became a first-grader. The fact is that the boy entered the first course of the legendary Suvorov School in St. Petersburg. The line took place in the Vorontsov Palace. On the solemn event, Maria came with her husband Denis Voronenkov and the daughter of Luce.

"To get to Suvorovskoye, the son had to go through the introductory tests. When I came and looked at the introductory questionnaire, I realized that there was a serious selection. Of course, I was scared that the child would not be at home, but in the barracks. But at the same time, I dreamed about this school for a long time. I am brought up on a good literature, I know how learning was trained in the royal dynasties, and wished to his son. Such an English education system - she always attracted me. But everything could be different if not my spouse, who graduated from the Suvorov School, "said Maria.

Maria is confident that during studying Ilya will develop new talents and hobbies will appear. "My son speaks perfectly in English, almost just like in Russian. Also playing the piano. In general, he is a humanitarian. But I do not exclude that it will passionate and technical sciences, because the school is offered so much interesting. "

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